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Jp says...

Well well. Dominican Republic started I'm guessing Bahamas gonna end it. I got no problem on how y'all run your country. I am Haitian-Bahamian descent my entire family still live there. I hate seeing how my people are being mistreated part of this is Haiti fault we should stay in our country to lift up our country image instead we migrate in boats for that other countries have no respect for us. I love Bahamas I'm there every summer. Hopefully Bahamians and Haitians can one day be at peace. As for the DR they swore they're Europeans check the color of your flags it resemble the Haitian flag more than it does to Spain. Y'all got your independence from Haiti not Spain. I'm proud to be Haitian descent african and Bahamian. One day Haiti will be on top. We won't be last. Just remember nothing last forever