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Junkan00 says...

I also would like to be able to download a list of the items that are now VAT free. Here in Exuma it appears to me that everything in store has simply gone up since the 1st July!

On 'Over 80%' of food products VAT-free

Posted 2 August 2018, 2:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Junkan00 says...

Well said Bruce. Sadly our country is bogged down by protectionism and lethargy. The second home owners (however small), bring inward investment, spend money in our daily economy, and bring new people (friends and renters) to spend their money in our island nation. Any money made though rental of their home usually stays in the community, supporting local jobs and services. These rentals do not compete against our hotels, as the people who choose to stay in private rentals want something different (to have more privacy, be able to cook in on the odd evening, and to not be restricted to where they dine and drink). Most importantly, they are the people who go out into our communities and mix with local people, and spend their money with small independent restaurants and bars. We have to face the facts that the Bahamas is already frighteningly expensive, and the service standard three stars at best, which results in not very good value for money for our visitors. They come, and many keep coming back because of their love of our beautiful country and the people that they have met and shared wonderful times with. However everyone has a limit to how much financial pain/abuse they will tolerate before they have had enough. That maybe they then choose to holiday in another better value country, or worse still if they are a small second homeowner, they sell up (depressing the struggling bottom end of the property market) and take their investment either to their home country, or a competing island nation. On Exuma I believe our continued growing economy (I believe the fastest in our country), is not down to hotel based tourism (as no new hotels have been opened here in many years), but to the inward investment by second home owners, the services and support that hey require from local suppliers and trades people, and the cash they inject into our economy from their regular visits, their friends and their renting guests.

On AirBNB is not a tax free visit

Posted 31 July 2018, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal