Comment history

JustSo says...

Dear God,......If you want us not to buy into Brent Symonette's nonsense, give us a sign. Like, blotting out the sun........Anytime in the next week would be fine..........Thanks,...Bahamians!

On Immigration immune from deficit cutbacks

Posted 18 August 2017, 6:51 p.m. Suggest removal

JustSo says...

Thats' your response? No rebuttal to set the record straight on the specific facts and you call SP an idiot? The idiot in this is obvious!

On Immigration immune from deficit cutbacks

Posted 18 August 2017, 5:43 p.m. Suggest removal

JustSo says...

**P**illage **L**oot **P**lunder casualties are surfacing like horrible nightmares almost daily!

This whole nonsense is heartbreaking and totally unbelievable. How the hell can anyone be expected to live off $475.00 monthly?

Perry Christie should be ashamed to show his stupid face on the island!

Health Minister Dr Duane Sands needs to investigate the local drug cartels controlling and keeping the price of medicines artificially high to increase profits by purchasing drugs from the most expensive vendors imaginable instead of from huge reputable generic drug manufacturers in North America, Asia and Europe.

The Bahamas stands to save millions which could be diverted to paying these professionals well deserved decent salaries and improving healthcare facilities.

It is unconscionable that even **P**illage **L**oot **P**lunder could be so uncaring for fellow Bahamians while they had no problem paying lavishly for anything foreign.

On Sands steps in on nurses owed $1m

Posted 18 August 2017, 5:27 p.m. Suggest removal

JustSo says...

Tal actually does speak english?

On Sands steps in on nurses owed $1m

Posted 18 August 2017, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal

JustSo says...

Was this the former UBP leader that after they lost to the PLP said to his fellow UBP politicians:
**"The UBP is dead. We need to find someone that looks like them, walk like them and talk like them but listens to us".?**

We need to know and teach our children true unbiased history regardless of how painful or distasteful it might be!

I certainly wouldn't want future generations thinking Pindling, Ingraham and Christie were anything other than what they themselves proved to be by the evidence of them destroying our country.

Nobody is perfect, everybody inevitably makes mistakes in life sometimes either due to living in a particular period of time or themselves just being bad people!

This nonsense of praising an individual's good points and ignoring the bad is stupid at best, especially when everyone knows of the negatives and speaks "under breath" about them. We to have to give people their fair accolades as well as fair criticisms where applicable.

After all, history, is what it is and cannot be changed!

JustSo says...

Shut the hell up dumb-butt Bradley! You PLP pirates threw away the peoples money like there was no tomorrow, now you standing around pretending to have sense!!

JustSo says...

Bishop Boyd attacks 'gutter politics while remaining totally silent on 'political corruption'! This is exactly the same situation with the equality referendum and is all too common in the Bahamas. The "bishop" and whole clergy class have long lost the peoples respect and trust. Their voices are null and void and will not be heard.

On Bishop attacks 'gutter politics'

Posted 25 April 2017, 9:41 p.m. Suggest removal

JustSo says...

Nobody cares about Dionisio D’Aguilar couple dollars dribble, but everybody wants Bradley Roberts to drop some "bombshells" about his PLP friends, family and lovers that absconded with $100M's from Bank Of Bahamas and how they "fixed" it with the peoples National Insurance money!

JustSo says...

WTF? Da mummyTommy T. returns from the ashes talking like he did any better than B.J. Nottage when both are competing for biggest failures as national security ministers!

STFU Tommy T.! We rolled Y-O-U and Hubert jackass Ingraham out in 2012 and we will roll out useless perry christie this election.

all yall suck!

JustSo says...

**???????? Pm's Christmas Message: '*We Must Continue To Work Together'*?????????**

Needless to say, like the majority of us, I didn't waste my time listening to whatever this jackass said, but WTF?

When Did **"WE"** ever START working together? And who's the **"WE"** this clown is referring to?

Friends, family, lovers and fellow pirates perhaps?