Comment history

K4C says...

Gessus who write this gibberish from the government ??

K4C says...

Travel that's to make Davis appear a world leader when he can't even lead a bunch of boy scouts

On Rahming defends OPM’s travel budget rise

Posted 23 February 2024, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal

K4C says...

With almost a murder a day, I do believe you're out of touch with reality

K4C says...

That's the successful governments since 1973, you can't find the solution when you're the problem

K4C says...

I'm going to say, perhaps the FNM aren't the governing party in office, can't recall in history how the opposition can govern

K4C says...

Confirmed, The Bahamas is truly reverted to the 1800's

Confirmed, successive PLP and FNM governments have achieved their goals, of having a LOW IQ country

K4C says...

Best you educate up John

It's 2023 not 1823

K4C says...

PRIME Minister Davis is void of all common sense, he's the PM, he and his administration can't tell Bahamians to turn to prayer to stop the senseless carnage, since because of his and former governments have all paved the road to where the Bahamas is today,

K4C says...

110 murders in 2023

that's about 1 every 3 days

On Father stabbed in year’s first murder

Posted 2 January 2024, 8:53 a.m. Suggest removal

K4C says...

As the great Stevie Wonder says, I'll believe it when I see it