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KM says...

I applaud the government for continuing this process of trying to get this illegal immigration situation under control. Dont let the noise in the market deter you from doing what needs to be done. Not everyone will agree with certain things, and once no laws are being broken I say keep on doing it! Lets take back our country.

KM says...

I know right, who is this man trying to fool ?

KM says...

I agree with you. It is a disgrace. He was 39 and she was 9! Do you know how traumatic that was. disgrace, i see no justice for that girl.

On 12 years for sexual assault of girl, 9

Posted 31 October 2014, 2:43 p.m. Suggest removal

KM says...

This is a bunch of crap and they know it. Mr. Christie's intention was to always legalize the web shops whether the people wanted it or not. He just didnt expect the people to say no, since so much actually play numbers. So yea it was a shock to him, but on the other hand he already promised the number bosses that hey this is going to get legalized. They are his supporters in regards to money so how can he go against them? The PM and all of his officials are a bunch of hypocrites, liars, pretenders, thiefs and much more. Obie came up with a lame excuse to why we wasted 1.2 million on a referendum! My Lord My Lord, help us!

KM says...

This is utter foolishness! How will this better the Bahamas. What will be of the Bahamas if this happens. He need to take a seat in the far right corner and put his fingers on hips lips. He must be insane !! You think we have an immigration issue now, think about how will it be then ?

KM says...

This is why we are in debt now. No one is higher than anyone. If I have to pay my bills the government must do so as well. Shut them off until it gets paid. Point. Blank. Period.

KM says...

Man this government is corrupt and full of law breakers. All i have to say is if Mr.Halkitis saidthey cant control the level of tax collection on real property tax ,how inthe world they gonna control the collection of Value Added Tax when it comes into effect. Instead they try and fix the issue with the taxes we do have now they want to implement more. I honestly dont see how this country will survive with leaders like this.


Posted 19 June 2014, 11:58 a.m. Suggest removal

KM says...

Supreme Court is a sell out, along with the government.

On Supreme Court overturns dredging block

Posted 30 May 2014, 3:28 p.m. Suggest removal

KM says...

This is so ridiculous. AND to top it off a police official was on the premises. These little children arent even afraid of the police or what will happen to them. I agree wholeheartedly with your statement

KM says...

I totally agree with you.

On VAT will be delayed until January, 2015

Posted 28 May 2014, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal