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KORM says...

I totally agree with you !

KORM says...


On Man found shot dead on bus

Posted 25 February 2014, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal

KORM says...

Totally agree with you ,just a waste of time !

KORM says...

This is just a never ending cirle. Watch the same person(s) who committed this crime will be a victim later on. I'm not proud to say but that is just how it is. Yes it needs to stop, men need to reevalutate teir lives and know that to solve an issue it doesnt have to lead to violence. Just sucks. My condolences to the family.

KORM says...

This should have never went to an opinion poll in the first place, wasted the tax payers money and time. All it did was make the bahamian people think they have a say in what goes on in this country.I agree with Bran, should have went and legalised it long time. The Christian although we respect them, just need to take a back seat right now, worry about other things

KORM says...

They are ultimately innocent until proven guilty so I will not pass judgement. But if it is true , my my have we dwindled to a hopeless society. God help us all, because we sure need it. If they are proven guilty I second @banker's comment.

KORM says...

Everytime I read the news, it sickens my stomach. This incident alone is horific, and for her boyfriend to be involved? What type sick people we have in the world. Like how could a boyfriend stand their and watch other men assault their girlfriend and play a part in it. New law should be placed on the books, that warrants castration of any male found guilty in the court of law of rape. What they have down their is a privilege and that privilege should be taken away if it ruins the life of people in such a way. My prayers are with the victim.

KORM says...

I call that deceiving the public. Hand guns are illegal, so if someone is shot whether in the arm, leg , chest etc and it is an intentional shooting why not put in on record? Or maybe its on record but they tell us what they want to tell us. Either way its wrong, we are looking for transparency. Shooting is shooting, attempted murder is attempted murder. Unless we have the definition all wrong.

KORM says...

Now although that is one less criminal we have to worrt about ,we have another murderer on our hands. The judicial system is only creating more criminals by placing those who are charged with murder on bail! People are fed up and tired of seeing those charged with taking the life of their loved ones walking the street like everything is okay. Thats when they take matters into their own hands. Criminals are just raping the judicial system day in and day out and for what? Whats the point of putting these criminals out on bail? Its a never ending cycle if we dont look to our judicial system first. Its a "you kill my family, out on bail ,I kill you when i see you" type of society. No bail for murderes ! Simple. Stop the cycle.

On Man on bail killed by shots to head and back

Posted 6 February 2014, 12:17 p.m. Suggest removal