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KRS1 says...

Save your time and money the answer is quite simple. The breakdown of the family combined with other sociology-economical factors such as unemployment, underemployment, low wages and materialism are the main culprits. Children are not being raised with a good understanding of fundamental principles i.e the golden rule. Love your neighbor as yourself. the images on TV and other forms of social media are reinforcing the opposite the principles of yolo, mob, moe which basically tell them get all you can by any means necessary no matter the cost you have to stand out by what you drive, wear and who you can be seen with. We are basically putting on expensive clothes, jewelry and phony relationships to cover up a lack of true moral character. Parents don't have the time to spend with children to teach them meaningful life skills and morals due to the fact that they have to work more to keep up appearances or feed a family on a single parent income. The fact that some of our children were just as likely to be swallowed at the time of conception should tell us a lot about ourselves and them. Why were they born? Was it because their parents were careless and irresponsible or was it because two came together in love to create a meaningful investment for society. Someone once said that babies are the new it accessory like handbags. Accessories become played out and tossed aside after a while. That's what most are doing to our children today. What we are seeing is the result of decades of neglect. We have to get back to the basics. The most important jobs most of us will have is not the ones we get paid for it the one we go home to after we get off from work. Raise your children responsibly and to those of you who conceived in a moment of pleasure rather than love you have to spend a lot more time than most to make sure that what might be perceived as a mistake doesn't turn out to indeed be a really big one.

On A LIFE OF CRIME: The first five years

Posted 3 February 2015, 4:53 p.m. Suggest removal

KRS1 says...

Maybe now he can send them over to ballistics and get the results back after the next commercial break. Then after that he can get tire thread samples and match them to the type of tires the RBPF uses. Who is this guy kidding anything short of a video tape will get him nowhere. The police force literally gets away with murder in this country. What makes him think they would investigate themselves and show how incompetent and out of control they are.

KRS1 says...

If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen. Not a Brave move on his part to make such a statement about the media. These are not the good ole days when the PLP had total control of broadcasting in the Bahamas. Nothing can no longer be swept under a rug.

KRS1 says...

Its hard to understand how alcohol is legal and sensimelia is still being persecuted. Last time I checked alcohol has 0 or little health benefits. Ganja on the other hand has many health benefits. All medical drugs if abused can have negative effects on people do we ban all medical drugs. Just legalize and regulate and call it a day.

KRS1 says...

What's the deal with Bahamian NCAA basketball players and transferring. The percentage is just way too high among Bahamian players.Stick it out put the work in on the practice court and you'll get meaningful playing time. Transferring wouldn't solve anything your just taking the root problem to a different School.

On Shaquille Cleare makes move to Big 12

Posted 30 April 2014, 8:20 a.m. Suggest removal

KRS1 says...

As a former CM employee its still hard to believe that 10 years ago CM was arguably the most popular grocery chain in New Providence and now its out of business while Super Value is still in business. The only logical explanation I can come up with is that Finlynson and Co had not the slightest idea about how to run a retail business. They only got where they r b/c of who they knew instead of what they knew. Hopefully they will use this as a lesson and actually go and get a real education in how to run a business.