Comment history

Kalikgold says...

Listen, do what as I say and NOT as I do! Or else!!

Kalikgold says...

Searg, have some dignity. At least take couple thousand lmao. The rich fart airing out yall business, whats the reason he need to lie on you?

On Police deny McAfee gun allegations

Posted 4 August 2020, 6:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Kalikgold says...

Without a vaccine, this will be the new normal moving forward. I do not think the lockdowns are necessary nor closing the borders, people have to be smarter with how they socialize. It is pretty obvious there's community spread, and its summer - imagine what will happen during the fall. It is estimated 50% of the population will contract this virus. Personally I won't be taking the vaccine, but those who are vulnerable should consider.

Kalikgold says...

Maybe if the tourist are not arrested for going to the beach more would come. Seriously, what kind of catch-22 shit was that?

Kalikgold says...

Well you know we're a 'D' average

Kalikgold says...

It took an act of God for the laws to be followed but that's not my point nor going with this, Haitians were sent home to avoid being a burden on the Bahamas in a time of crisis.

And that fool above is saying Bahamanian students should remain overseas? News flash these are unprecedented times all over the world.

Kalikgold says...

What is the police suppose to do, your an idiot.

Following Hurricane Dorian yall was quick to send Haitians home. And I do not want to hear no shit about them being illegal. Tell da Bahamian government to get there people. Simple

Kalikgold says...

The evidence is not firm, he should of avoided answering this question.

Kalikgold says...


On Norwegian admits dumping in ocean

Posted 6 February 2020, 12:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Kalikgold says...

Listen, I ga need that lil ting!