Comment history

KareemC9 says...

While I may not like the way in which Richard Lightbourn delivered his message I do get where he's coming from. it's obvious that there are to many unwed, uneducated, unemployed, unemployable young girls having too many children that they can not care for and 9 times out of 10 these kids do become a burden on society in one way or they other. Maybe it is time that we as a country take a serious look at how we can stop or fix this situation.

KareemC9 says...

Is Keith Bell high? The government and Minister of National have been fudging the crime numbers from day one, not accounting for some crime and lying about the actual numbers and Tinker bell have the nerve to talk about over all crime is down. What kind of weed is he smoking.Truth be told even the murder count is much higher than they claim it to be. Tinker Bell try go sit in the corner until somebody pulls your chain. You are irrelevant and make no sense to this equation.

On Keith Bell: Crime plan has not failed

Posted 19 April 2016, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

KareemC9 says...

Considering the 2 most recent arrest of prison officers for possession of dangerous drugs with the intent to supply it is safe to assume that this is the way in which drugs is finding it's way into the prison system. Corruption at it's finest.

KareemC9 says...

The painting speaks volume as it relates to the current time in the country, where there is even less trust and admiration for our "Leader". Amazingly, in 2015 we are still worried about victimization because of the ass-backward leadership we have in this country where one's right to freedom of speech can so easily be impeded upon depending on who is the Government of the day. To this I say thank you Mr. Pindling, you have taught pupils well, they have mastered the ability to weave that wand of spiteful vindictive controller over the masses to effect their desired outcome.

KareemC9 says...

I have been saying for a long time that VAT will break the backs of the poor in this country. This Government has no regards for the poor and under privileged, yet they brag about how much they've spent on social services. Any asshole would tell you that if there is a need for more social assistance from government then that means more persons have fallen on hard times. Perry Christie and his PLP Government have become a burden on this country with their lack luster ideas and empty promises. After 40 years in politics he is nothing more than a complete failure. Sir Lynden would hang his head in shame to see what Perry has allow this country to come to under his leadership. Truth be told Perry was always a follower, never a leader!!!!

KareemC9 says...

This whole Carnival thing was just a big celebration for the PLP to observe their 3rd year in office, their third year of screwing the Bahamian people people with no concern for what happens next. Their whole plan is to keep the masses drunk and distracted while they pillage the coffers and ripoff the country to their satisfaction.

On Carnival cost $12m, over budget by $3m

Posted 15 July 2015, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal