Comment history

Kiley says...

Mr Speaker, there is no change in law by this government to disallow fishermen from arming themselves and having duly licensed firearms on their vessels. That was the law of the land yesterday, (it is the law) today and (it will be) tomorrow.
Once again a bold face lie from the PLP . They just raised the gun license from 50 to 150 for a shotgun and from 100 to 300 on rifles to try take the guns out of law abiding citizens. And if apply for anew one the will simply turn it down

On 'Fishermen have right to firearms'

Posted 21 February 2014, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Kiley says...

How did they cause this problem a few weeks ago when the season opened on Sunday

On 'Pigeon hunters' blamed for BTC disruption

Posted 1 October 2013, 6:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Kiley says...

One of the biggest problems in this country is we are quick to say the foreigner should pay. But not a word about the 90% Bahamians that just think they don't have to pay there bills why?

On Miller: top hotel owes BEC $10m

Posted 11 June 2013, 11:06 a.m. Suggest removal