Comment history

KimAra says...

These are the kind of reports that make the Bahamas a laughingstock! Honestly, if you want to worry about what our young are getting up to maybe those dedicated church folk might start tdealing with PRE teen sex and pregnancy! That is something we all need to worry about! "Charlie, Charlie, can we play?" And put some common sense into those in control !

On KimAra

Posted 30 May 2015, 7:22 a.m. Suggest removal

KimAra says...

I am sorry Miss Maycock, but I think that this article is VERY misleading and VERY damaging to the 1) Bahamas 2) Grand Bahama 3) Sharks in general.
I do not believe that sufficient time and "homework" went into your report. If you base your information on the drivel that Shark Week airs you will become the most misinformed shark "expert" on planet Earth. They liken sharks to serial killers (nonsence) and are report about a "Monster" shark called Old Hitler who in their calculations would now be about 100 years old ( more nonsence) and had a programme last night called "Sharkagennon" (please Lord spare me from this drivel)...
Did you know that "Tiger Beach" is actually located 12 miles from shore....this was misleading and damaging....sorry, not impressed.

KimAra says...

I would need a lot more information from you before I could comment....

On Outrage over caged dogs video

Posted 19 July 2014, 7:18 p.m. Suggest removal

KimAra says...

ANd for those of you who would like to read it. Here is the actual press statemant issued to the Tribune yesterday....please feel free to contact us.

Dragon Pets Complaint

Today's complaint against Dragon Pets is the latest of many complaints against the business over many years. The complaints have, like this one, been made by legitimate customers lawfully in the business. The complaints have come from across the community: Rich and poor, tourist and native Bahamian, black and white. The Bahamas Humane Society is as horrified by this situation as the public. We have tried to inspect the site but have been turned away. Regretfully, the Bahamas Humane Society has no legal authority to force proper inspection of the health of the animals, nor do we have authority to enforce the Animal Care Act.
There is a simple and immediate solution to this problem. The Minister of Agticulture can send his staff to inspect the business and enforce the Act. The Bahamas Humane Society will happily accompany and aid the Ministry in such an effort.
We understand that the Ministry is underfunded and understaffed. With this recognized, there is a long term solution. The Minister can apply the existing power of the Act and grant investigative and inspection authority to the Bahamas Humane Society. This would allow the BHS to actively address such complaints and proactively prevent the abuse of animals, while supplementing the limited staff of the Ministry at no cost to Government.
Our Nation's good name is at risk. The Bahamas Humane Society respectfully asks Government to act quickly and decisively to send a message to our citizens and the world that mistreatment of animals will not be tolerated in our island Nation.
The Bahamas Humane Society

On Outrage over caged dogs video

Posted 19 July 2014, 6:46 p.m. Suggest removal

KimAra says...

The BHS is not empowered to "remove" animals, the RBPF are the ones who would have to do it, or the yet to be appointed by the minister of agriculture animal wardens...
The BHS reports over-loaded surrey carriages almost daily as they trot past the POLICE without even being issued with a caution.
The BHS would love to be given the legal power to do more to prevent or stop at early stages, but the law gives us no teeth at all....
If you would like to come in to the shelter and meet with us we would be more than happy to explain to you, in detail, what we can and cannot do...often the ONLY thing we can do is make noise....I actually welcome this attack on the BHS to be able to explain some of our frustration....we dearly NEED that animal care act to be enacted...we need animal wardens appointed...the BHS has offered free training to the animal the way, I have been looking for a new president for if you have some constructive suggestions, and you have a great deal of time to give to charity....please get in touch with me.

On Outrage over caged dogs video

Posted 19 July 2014, 6:36 p.m. Suggest removal

KimAra says...

I have been contacted by Chavaz Cassar and she told me that her children NEVER attended Maridian School. I do hope that I have not caused any stress on my good friend Lisa McCartney by mentioning her school in error...
I apologize for the mistake....

KimAra says...

which bit is "uppity"?...
Is it only uppity kids who are rude?
Is it uppity to think that that 80 year old mess and his 30 year old sweetheart are disgusting?
Is is "uppity" to support an institution you believe in? ....perhaps! Loyalty is not a quality we see often now days.
I suppose your silly little question mark is because you are questioning if I am Bahamian?...oooops wrong here, I am.
You know what I find funniest is that I am the only one here with the guts to use my own name and stand publicly by what I say...oops, is that uppity?
I have no idea where "real Bahamian" experiences and sending "nice" kids to Government schools fits in...aren't your kids nice...but then I do not know who you are....I may live in an ivory tower, but I spend a hell of a lot of time time out of it...I really don't know what you are getting at?

KimAra says...

There is so much nonsence being thrown around....Tambearly is NOT racist...the kids are not either...Little kids say silly things...when my kid was being called "white boy" I did not have a fit.In fact I did nothing!..My children went to Tambearly for many years, I have had eight family members (no, actually, not all white, of various ethnic combinations and backgrounds) attend the school...many children of successful Bahamians white and black have benefited from Tambearly's exceptional programme...There have been PLP families and FNM teasing, no jeering...Kids say stupid things..if you say that kids only say things they heard at home them I am here to tell you that we all must have said some shocking things at home, because I hear kids saying the worst of things often, in public places...yes, kids from families I know well, and I am sure their parents do not talk that way nor think that way....Sorry if am i insulting anybody.
I taught at Tambearly for five years. Sure I heard kids say nasty things to each other and each time it was dealt with, kindly and professionally..the children ended up shaking hands or hugging and understanding.
I must say I am sorry for these kids, because I understand ( I do not know for a fact, but lots of people told me) that they had to be removed from Meridian also because they were victims of comments perceived to be racial slurs.Correct me if I have been wrongly informed. If it is the case how sad that at their young lives this is happening more than once. Is it possible that too much has been read into the stupid comments in both cases?
Now Just because some revolting old 80 year old American said some disgusting remarks to his "Sweetheart" more than 50 years his junior (UGH), we now in the Bahamas have to have "racial seminars" for the kids....this is the Bahamas for God's sake!!!
Any here we go back to losing an argument and running to Immigration...can you imagine if in the States somebody told my child that tall children can't sit down, or white kids can't dance or some other foolishness...can you imagine me rushing off to the US dept of Immigration....give me a break, how far do you think I would get before being laughed at.

KimAra says...

I can't speak for 25 years ago...but my kids went to Tambearly and there were all sorts of religions, colors, and financial situations....everybody was treated the same...respect, manners and learning....the kids were happy and excelled...there was no racism and no prejudice

KimAra says...

and among the VERY first students there was lovely smart Felicity Humblestone, and all sort of young Maynards ( Julians kids) and many other Bahamians who are multi racial and have grown up and gone far....