Comment history

KimAra says...

This is a disgrace....If they should find the driver they should put him in jail and throw away the key....outrageous driving around here....HOW can you hit a person and not have the compassion to stop and help ?.....and I am stupid enough to hope that people will be kinder to animals...when you read this you feel like you are wasting your time...

KimAra says...

by spaying and neutering we are exactly doing what you want cutting down the number of strays...please endevour to understand

KimAra says...

look this is a dsicussion on one thing , if you hate dogs or are afraid of them,,,point taken. There is honestly no need to say it 100 times, we heard you...noted...have a nice day

KimAra says...

This is not intended to become a “he said, she said” battle, however we feel that the organizers of Operation Potcake MUST respond to a couple of remarks made over the last 24 hours.

1. We did indeed try and meet with the VMAB just last week, and were refused to be part of the meeting. One of our organizers recently invited the President of the VMAB to lunch .

2. To say that the letter from the VMAB was an invitation to “merely voice their concerns” is misleading when language such as:

“We politely decline the offer to have the additional veterinarians come in to assist in surgeries, inclusive of the cat clinic at the BHS.”
“We still feel that to send a clear message to our fellow Bahamians, that we are an entity more than capable of managing the difficult task of reducing our strays, and it should be none but our own that assume that responsibility.”
“With that said each veterinarian would like remuneration in the amount of $50 per animal after services are rendered, which we all agree is a nominal fee for our efforts” is used. It did not appear to us to be an invitation for dialogue but a “fait accompli” ; we had the option to take it or leave it.

3. We had dialogue with many of the vets in September and $30 had been agreed upon if they were to supply their own materials, but we buy the vaccines.
1,000 doses of DHLPPvC canine vaccines =$2,469.20

4.In a breakdown of supplies needed for this years OP, factoring in $9,000.00 to the local vets, excluding the vaccines Plus the following supplies:

Ketamine: $1,038.00

Xylazine:10 bottles...... $500.00

Valium: 100 $11.45 = $1,145

Isoflurane (Gas Anesthesia) 6 x 35 = $210.00

Grand anesthetics approx. $ 2,893.00
Suture material & cold sterilization, gauze $5,000.00
300 Local Vet Surgeries - $ 9,000.00
Vaccines - $ 2,469.00
Anesthetics (visiting vets) - $ 2,893.00

Grand Total - $19,362.00
10% discount = $17,394.00

Just over $19.00 per animal. (includes budgeting local vets $30 a dog)

Minus $9,000 (local vets) total: $17.75 per animal.

The quantities and product list supplied by very qualified, well respected Veterinarian, some months ago Numbers based on Local Vets 300 animals visiting vets 600 animals.

I invite everybody to tell me how the cost per animal is now $50.00, what costs and products is this based upon?

Dialogue is needed, based on facts, not finger pointing and insulting I have endevoured to put down r what I believe to be facts and facts alone…

KimAra says...

where did this come from......? not helpful to the discussion, off topic absolutely

KimAra says...

I think it would be very useful if somebody could actually, accurately, break down the precise cost of spaying a bitch and a cat, then neutering a dog and a tom.
The break down should NOT include the usual expenses of electricity, water, insurance, or overheads as this would be in a mash clinic...I guess the price between a large dog and a small dog would differ, so we would have to average it out...transportation would not be a factor either... Is there somebody out there prepared to list in detail ( quantities of meds ect). gauze, sterile wraps, sutures, alcohol equate a totally accurate per dog, per cat price...
I believe that would be a very useful exercise for this discussion

KimAra says...

The one thing that has to be remembered here is what you plan to do with the retired horses. If you stop the surrey horse industry immediately...where do you put you animals? The Bahamas Humane Society does not have the space nor the funds....$300,000.00 needs to be raised in order to be able to retire the 30 odd horses in the surrey industry. A huge amount of brainstorming would have to go into an immediate ban...

On The Surrey/National Stable Issue

Posted 26 October 2013, 7:04 a.m. Suggest removal

KimAra says...

Just a heads up...the surrey should not have been on the road after 1:00pm, that is their rest time...and did you know that a surrey driver need ho instruction or training, and does not EVEN need a drivers lisense ?

KimAra says...

Dear proudloud.
The stray dogs in this country is a people problem. If the citizens of this nation exercised responsible animal ownership there would not be a problem. Parents do not even restrict their kids, the young people of this nation are allowed to go where they want and do what they want, those same people let their animals roam, if they don't control their kids how can you expect them to control their pets.
This country needs discipline in every facet .... and nobody has the guts to enforce the law...
then people like you come up with incendiary comments like above that are totally unfounded and do nothing but encourage panic and reckless behaviour....I have the courage to put my name to this response and not hide behind a fake and fictitious name.
KIm Aranha
President of the Bahamas Humane Society

KimAra says...

Well, i am here to tell you that my son'a laptop was stolen in the US section and I DO NOT intend to let it go...
I am tired of the lawlessness!

On Airport staff deny theft

Posted 3 October 2012, 6:31 p.m. Suggest removal