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KnightForTruth says...

I'm nit saying there isn't corruption in various government and private agencies, but if people are caught they should pay. I just find it strange that the report's author is being sued because normally in this country people don't fight back in the courts unless they have a really strong case and nothing to fear. A bunch of names were called, but this Dr. Smith didn't waste anytime going straight to the courts. That's not the move from someone who is worried about the report. That's a move from someone pissed at being accused falsely. Even if the report is wrong only on his part, doesn't that translate into serious issues for a professional forensic auditor? He accuses the guy of defrauding the public and the guy takes him straight to court. If the numbers added up to fraud there's no way this goes to court from him right? I smell a rat...a big forensic rat

On PHA board ‘won’t play political games’

Posted 7 November 2014, 6:55 p.m. Suggest removal

KnightForTruth says...

The PHA Chairman should be concerned with who is leaking out information to Candia just minutes after every board meeting; or maybe he doesn't have to look too far to see the person. Can you hear MJ's song "Man in the Mirror" in the background now? Why did he hire a small firm to do spend 9 months on a 6 year audit on a government agency that spent almost $2 Billion in that time, but only paid the guy $50,000? Is it because anything bigger than that would have to go to a tender system, and there would be no way for them to actually compete for that bid? Or was it because $50,000 might be the going rate for a paid messenger to say what he wanted to be said? Any accountant, forensic or not will tell you that $50,000 to do a 9-month audit for the past 6 years is a ridiculously low fee. I really hope this whole mess goes to court and UHY has to show the facts that they reported. If they do, then people need to be held accountable...all the way. If they cannot, then they should be made to pay for spreading untruths, and so should those who hired them in the first place, beginning at the TOP!

On PHA board ‘won’t play political games’

Posted 7 November 2014, 6:49 p.m. Suggest removal