Comment history

Kofi says...

Why are folk assuming that the poisoning occured on Emerald Bay property? There is nothing innthe public domain to suggest that that is where the poisoning occured.

Kofi says...

Offering anbrube is a crime. So is accepting a brube. If what you write is true, the. the paving company should be investigated as well.

Kofi says...

Laroda and the BPL Managers are trting to do the right things. It is the PM and his foreign minister who
are being political.

Kofi says...

Thus new board is a significant downgrade to the orevious board i dunno what folk expect. This is just an excuse to get rid of the CEO and to bring back their cronies...

Kofi says...

Excellent stuff! Technology has come a long way. This will be successful.

Kofi says...

No words!!!!

Kofi says...

The permanent secretary is the Finance Officer. Ask her for the informatiin that you seek.

Kofi says...

The AG can 'direct' the legal services commission to do or not do something? If that is the case, what is the point of the commission?

On AG seeks axe for African lawyers

Posted 9 November 2021, 4:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Kofi says...

So this nonsense makes sense, but the emergency orders thay could be changed as quickly as they could be signed did not? Someone has to exercise this power. Who better than the Leader of the government? Minnis had to go...

On New COVID rules ‘threaten hardship’

Posted 8 November 2021, 4:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Kofi says...

Now see that is my problem right there with the PLP:WE Do not need the permission of any politician to engage in lawful business in our country!!

On Ivan Johnson death a blow to the FNM

Posted 6 October 2021, 5:15 p.m. Suggest removal