Comment history

Kolasis85 says...

Please lets make some examples, please!!!
This is ridiculous!

While this can occur anywhere in the world, we can't allow these morons to continue to diminish the Bahamas' once positive reputation.

These idiots won't stop on their own.

There needs to be new regulations for establishments catering to consumers beyond sunset.

On Tourists robbed at downtown night spot

Posted 24 May 2013, 11:55 a.m. Suggest removal

Kolasis85 says...

Great story. I'm interested in knowing how sustainable the production of these crops are. From their current results there seems to be a wealth of positives that can be derived. When I was in Jr. High school we also farmed but the focus was more on decorative flowers and shrubs.
I wish them all the best.

Kolasis85 says...

Agreed. It seems as though claiming to be possessed or just plain not remembering events can get you off. Crimes committed due to the affects of substance abuse should NOT eliminate adequate punishment. This plea agreement is similar to what a child gets for his/her first time coloring on mommy's new table.

“Should you color anything else, you will be in time-out , okay?” SMDH

On Woman admits trying to burn son alive

Posted 23 May 2013, 3:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Kolasis85 says...

I don't understand why leave was not requested much earlier.
All this does is create further delays in the proceedings.

Also, along with being accused of committing the ungodly act, he is accused of photographing the act. Does the prosecution actually have the photographs taken?
If so, why is he bothering to deny the charges.

On Man accused of sex with girl, 9

Posted 22 May 2013, 4:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Kolasis85 says...

Is this the abbreviated version of the story?
If so its a bit misleading.
Another news outlet has noted that she moved out acknowledging so in the form of a letter.

On COB student goes missing

Posted 21 May 2013, 4:29 p.m. Suggest removal