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Kris says...

Sounds like a bunch of idiots right now fighting down your own. An you are the people crying about why the country the way it is. It because people like you'll. hating a man or woman for the choice of religion or concept of life. You show an give hate and Opression. The Rastas are not doing the killings,Robberies an the Rape in the Bahamas. You all are Africans so live with it an learn where you come from. An the slaves were stolen from Africa so go an read an stop hating your own Black people.

Kris says...

Well the repatriation sounds good to me, there are flights leaving everyday from England to Africa. And there many school and job opportunities in Africa also that are housing and supporting their workers an families. That is our Roots from creation and we was taught to think we are not Africans in our minds, to pretend not to be Africans just to be accepted in the white man western world. Time for you'll to look on Google and Search Africa an see how they are prospering and don't be afraid to come home to our Mother Land. The Bahamas is being controlled by Evil an Power. I left the Bahamas in Three years and that was the best thing I ever did for me an my children I thank God for the opportunity to be a living testimony.

Kris says...

I really agree this is a good way for FNM to reign. Never in history have any ministers stand up for what's the most important to the Bahamians, this is our home and we need the roof over our heads and that is what we all are working for. Can a march really help? It's a beginning of the future lets not make a joke of this many families will be separated an homes broken. This will not benefit the Bahamians only the tax men. Ms butler I am proud of you as a woman to stand up for what's most important to us Bahamians. Be encourage! you have my support please give us the date an time we will be there.