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LChristinaLA says...…

Before they begin to drill. They need to deal with this oil spill by BEC. If they cant even contain that what makes you think they have the sense to partner with another company and explore anything?lol

LChristinaLA says...

In my opinion it will be a great idea to deny permits for certain jobs. I know hundreds of people that would be willing to work as care takers, housekeepers gardeners etc. I also wish that they would do more follow ups after permits have been issued for certain jobs here in the Bahamas.
For example i know many companies, hotels and restaurants that request permits for foreigners to beome trainers, or managers and they are actually only waitresses, housekeepers or secretaries. They then hire Bahamians only part time in the busy season and have their comrades work full time. I've seen a foreign general manager work weekly as a Bonefish guide and even taxi guest to and from airports at $80 one way (which I believe is called hacking...and is illegal). I've even seen them allow their foreign friend to do nature and bird watching tours all at fees (with no permit what-so-ever). I believe that the system is flawed and laziness on the part of immigration and law enforcement contributes. I have a long list of foreign operated businesses that operate on illegal practices, while we Bahamians sit by and watch them milk the system for every dime they can get.

On 'Permit move risks destroying economy'

Posted 13 March 2013, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal