Comment history

LamyaDalton says...

All the aircrafts that were used in order to promote this great contest called SUPER Bowl XLVII got eveyone hooked with what's gonna happen. Imagine that even rich persons that rented luxury charters <a href=""></a> decided to attent this event and see who's gonna be the great winner. Indeed, this event was a great way of finding authenticity beyond sun and sea.

LamyaDalton says...

It's great they decided to grant territorial asylum in Panama, all these detainees definitely need as much help as they can get. They definitely provided them with a living space and with help from land surveyors <a href=""></a> their initiative was a success. We must wait and see if they decide to give them visas or not.

LamyaDalton says...

Granting territorial asylum is just a preventive measure, the 19 Cuban nationals deserve to receive a visa in Panama. They need so much help to live the life they have dreamed about. Maybe they want to buy a house with help from <a href="">credit consultants Santa Monica</a> in order to settle in Panama. But nothing is possible without a boost of confidence and what the national authorities from Panama did by granting territorial asylum represents the first and most important step.