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LastManStanding says...

The business model of the Bahamas is robbing Peter to pay Paul. The banks are probably getting fleeced at some point of their business process, so they in turn are going to fleece their customers for whatever they can. They've closed a bunch of branches over the years which should theoretically save them a bunch of money, but pushing everything online has significant infrastructure related costs as well. Servers just don't magically appear out of thin air and run for free. That being said I think most of their fees are BS and there should be a regulatory regime of some kind introduced, if nothing is on the books already.

On Banks nor govt care about us

Posted 24 August 2024, 6:41 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Maybe some of us aren't stupid enough to bring children into the world not being able to feed them dumbass. Unless there was rape involved at some point, having children is a conscious decision made by the parents of that why have children that you can't afford to feed? I don't have anything against the program per se but the government IS NOT morally obligated to feed anyone's children, neither is it (or teachers for that matter) responsible to raise them in any other way. The problem is the vast majority of Bahamians are severely entitled with zero concept of personal responsibility and feel that the government is supposed to take care of them at every turn. I do feel sorry for the children born into these shitty low IQ households that shouldn't be reproducing in the first place, but we cannot afford to keep encouraging this behaviour. Even if all the stealing and corruption stopped tomorrow, there are much bigger priorities like finally fixing our third world shithole power grid (which is actually a responsibility of the government) that take precedence over spending money on what amounts to the most basic of the parents responsibility.

LastManStanding says...

Is this gradual decline in the room with us right now?

LastManStanding says...

3 children are dead in Southport thanks to treasonous bastards in the Labour and Cuckservative parties that have facilitated an invasion over several decades, and that is only counting that one incident and not the hundreds if not thousands that have occurred in the past that resulted in maiming or loss of life. The only thing that Labour will change is bringing more savages into the UK to quicker turn it into a shithole. It's a crying shame what has happened to England since the late 20th century, a land of rich history and heritage responsible in large part for birthing the world as we know it has been turned into a third world shithole where even children are not safe on the streets thanks to treasonous politicians that have done everything they could to destroy the country that they were entrusted to protect. It's sickening.

LastManStanding says...

GOP vs Democrats is just the American version of FNM vs PhellP. Nothing ever changes any better for the American people no matter who they vote for just like nothing ever gets any better for us. The choice basically is this : the blue candidate owned by AIPAC who will send billions in tax dollars to Israel while the American people suffer vs the red candidate owned by AIPAC who will send billions in tax dollars to Israel while the American people suffer. Government here is just too greedy to ever give anyone else something.

LastManStanding says...

Just because you don't catch them or see them doesn't mean they aren't coming. Hell most of them are probably already here judging by what I see.

LastManStanding says...

Minimum wage should be increased on a yearly basis tied with the current rate of inflation to ensure that the lower economic stratas of society are not being placed at an economic disadvantage.

The problem with simply saying "lower the COL" is that the government is a huge part of why this country is so expensive to live in with duties and lots of excise taxes, but they have painted themselves into a corner with debt and cannot afford to lose revenue. Some stuff like absurd housing costs on on NP and some Family Islands, extremely high energy costs, etc. is also a result of poor government planning as well.

Another thing to consider is that quite frankly there are very few "skilled" jobs here, with unskilled and semi skilled labour dominant. Unless you are a doctor, lawyer, successful real estate agent, big contractor etc. you there really isn't a chance for you to make much money here unless you have a friend or lover to give you an overpriced gubermint contract. Either that or you have to get tight with the rich foreigners who can give you work and get you connected with that clique, and even then a lot of them will shaft you in favour of their American friends at the first opportunity.

Bahamian economic problems are extremely complex and can't be solved by just raising the minimum wage or saying "lower the COL". I really don't see any way it gets better here; the people with the opportunity to leave will leave (not that overseas is any better at this point) and the ones left behind will either sink or swim as the gap between rich and poor continues to grow bigger.

On Minister: We’ll raise minimum wage soon

Posted 30 July 2024, 10:49 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

There really should be an IQ requirement to filter morons like you from posting public opinions. Anti clericals like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot murdered more than any one ever did in the name of any religion and quite frankly most of the slander against Christianity like accusations of witch burning and the Inquisition are completely fabricated with no historical basis, or like most other "genocides" just completely exaggerated with no historical evidence to back up the claimed death totals.

Go look at South Korea, a country that will be mostly died off in another 50 years, that is the end result of your "modern world" and foolish ideology. The North will be able to just walk over the border and occupy the nation at some point because they at least have a replacement level birthrate. Liberalism is a death cult worse than literal communism, one ideology at least has the sensibility to look at a graph and understand numbers. At least the Bahamas would exist under religious rule, Bahamians will only exist as an obscure footnote in history books (if the people of that time will even be able to read, which I doubt) on a long enough time scale listening to foolish ideologues such as yourself.

On ‘Time to change our divorce laws’

Posted 24 July 2024, 4:07 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

Divorce proceedings are only as contentious as either party makes them; it is really easy to sit down as adults and come to an agreement if both parties really want to. That being said, divorces being common is a symptom of a failed society on it's way to collapse.

What our country really needs is for the average Bahamian to evolve past 13 mentally and maybe society will improve. The boomers and silent generation failed to teach their children any values, and we are reaping the fruits of that today. Constant murders, low IQ morons who just steal everything they can and give their friends and lovers government contracts, power that cuts off because it's drizzling outside all come from the fact that older generations didn't teach their children to give a shit about anything in life, besides themselves maybe. We need to be focusing on restoring Bahamian families and helping couples with children stay together and learn how to deal with their problems in a healthy way instead of encouraging further societal collapse. What it's really time for is to get rid of the low IQ morons that have got us in this mess.

On ‘Time to change our divorce laws’

Posted 24 July 2024, 3:48 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

No fault divorce already de facto exists here; my mother divorced my father under grounds of cruelty and basically told the judge that he didn't buy her enough shit and take her on vacations and they accepted that because neither party wanted to continue the marriage. The judges don't give a shit about your reasoning, they just want to know if there is any possibility that the marriage will work.

On ‘Time to change our divorce laws’

Posted 24 July 2024, 3:38 p.m. Suggest removal