Comment history

LastManStanding says...

It's honestly a national disgrace that Bahamians have to pay money to make use of our own national symbols.

LastManStanding says...

The FNM is about as useless as a wet paper bag when it comes to being effective as an opposition. Lincoln has made more waves in challenging the government without even having a seat in Parliament; he is a far more effective campaigner than anyone in the PLP or FNM right now.

LastManStanding says...

Legal concerns are the most likely reason.

LastManStanding says...

To be fair, I don't think emigration was the sole source of the drop but I can guarantee you that it did play a part. There are literally thousands of Bahamians overseas at this point, and more are leaving every year. Some go to the United States, but most are going to Canada because the immigration process is a lot easier and the schooling is cheaper (even moreso with the conversion rate) with a clear path to permanent residency once you finish. I can see a few thousand Bahamians leaving to go live overseas in a matter of a few years between the surveys which would make up part of the number. Obviously there are things like retirements to consider as well.

Tbh we have no idea how accurate these numbers are either, we all know that statistics collection is not a strong point of the government here.

LastManStanding says...

I'm just spitballing but I think that COVID pushed a good bit of the older workers into retirement, know of a couple such cases personally. That + emigration of young workers would be my guess as to where the drop came from.

LastManStanding says...

These people are delusional, the only plan government cares about is the dinner plan that will be financed by Bahamian taxpayers. I don't know what more it takes to realize that these people don't give a shit about us.

LastManStanding says...

It's all great and grand that we are hearing about the corruption here (something that everyone already knows about), but are we ever going to see those campaign donations from SBF to American politicians returned?

LastManStanding says...

Truth. I know of a case where a business will even pay their work permit holder's rent while refusing to give their Bahamian employees a raise for years. I lived overseas and had this thing called a salary which used to pay my rent. Bahamians get treated like second class citizens in this country.

LastManStanding says...

I haven't "celebrated" independence in years and certainly don't plan on celebrating it this year. What are we supposed to be proud of: a failing power grid, blatant unchecked corruption, governments that demean native Bahamians for foreigners (whether white or black)? If it weren't for immediate proximity to the United States, we would be a Haiti tier failed state (for what it's worth, our treasonous governments are trying to turn us into that anyways). The Bahamian people need a real come to Jesus moment to get rid of both the FNM/PHellP because the truth is the future is very grim for this nation barring a major political shakeup. The "same old same old" recycled political faces and families are not going to cut it when it comes to fixing the problems that this country has. Tbh part of me doubts that the problems can be fixed, they have been neglected too long and are out of control at this point.

On Nation is preparing to celebrate

Posted 27 June 2023, 8:59 p.m. Suggest removal

LastManStanding says...

We need to start revoking certain citizenship from certain people in this country, not giving more out like candy.