I'm sorry but I don't see the hypocrisy by Dr Munroe's statement. He is 100% correct and I commend him for speaking out. To compare 'gay rights' to 'civil rights' is indeed illogical and ridiculous. Also, I don't think Dr. Munroe, or anyone who supports these views, has any interest in removing the "rights" of gays. Any adult has the right to their sexuality. Gays have the same right as anyone to work, to live, to function in this country.
Homosexuality (the practise of, not the attraction to), fornication, adultery, stealing, murder, corruption - these are all wrong, and they are all rampant in our society. We should speak out against all whenever they impact our community. While I believe we all have the right to choose our behaviour and lifestyle, I don't believe we should impose our lifestyle on others when they are dysfunctional.
If a group of gays want to have a celebration, a party, an event, no one has a right to stop them, I don't see why anyone would want to. But personally, I have a problem with the word "Bahamas" being included in the name of this event. This culture and lifestyle does not represent the Bahamas and it should not have received endorsement from any of our Ministries.
Nothing a person does in the privacy of their bedroom(s) should ever remove the right they have to function in a society. However, what we do in the privacy of our bedroom(s) should also not be imposed on an entire society - especially a society that does not deem it normal.
Laurell says...
OMG! Thank you, Sickened. I totally agree.
On Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'
Posted 1 September 2014, 3:28 p.m. Suggest removal
Laurell says...
I'm sorry but I don't see the hypocrisy by Dr Munroe's statement. He is 100% correct and I commend him for speaking out. To compare 'gay rights' to 'civil rights' is indeed illogical and ridiculous. Also, I don't think Dr. Munroe, or anyone who supports these views, has any interest in removing the "rights" of gays. Any adult has the right to their sexuality. Gays have the same right as anyone to work, to live, to function in this country.
Homosexuality (the practise of, not the attraction to), fornication, adultery, stealing, murder, corruption - these are all wrong, and they are all rampant in our society. We should speak out against all whenever they impact our community. While I believe we all have the right to choose our behaviour and lifestyle, I don't believe we should impose our lifestyle on others when they are dysfunctional.
If a group of gays want to have a celebration, a party, an event, no one has a right to stop them, I don't see why anyone would want to. But personally, I have a problem with the word "Bahamas" being included in the name of this event. This culture and lifestyle does not represent the Bahamas and it should not have received endorsement from any of our Ministries.
Nothing a person does in the privacy of their bedroom(s) should ever remove the right they have to function in a society. However, what we do in the privacy of our bedroom(s) should also not be imposed on an entire society - especially a society that does not deem it normal.
On Religious leader says homosexuality 'a massive deception'
Posted 1 September 2014, 3:22 p.m. Suggest removal