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Lavender says...

Hey, student here. Honestly, I'm embarrassed but not surprised. I've gotten used to the chicanery, and I'm currently studying on my own for the BJC's. In defense of the teachers, they've been trying their best, but some of them are barely doing the bare minimum, yet they expect so much. I seriously don't know why my parents sent me to this school, it's awful I kid you not. Genuinely at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to quality. I try not to complain, as some kids don't even get to go to school, but what's the point of going to school if I'm not learning anything? And it's pretty funny how the teachers seemed to deviate from the reason as to why we're not returning. All of this crazy stuff that's been going on not just here, but the world, has demotivated me and I'm pretty sure a lot of my peers feel the same. Online learning hasn't been working for me, I don't like staring at my screen while a teacher goes on and on about something I can learn on my own, and actually make it fun for myself. And I'm already stressed about the fact that I've barely learned anything. I've looked at the syllabus, and I barely know the topics, leaving me with a lot of work that I have to do to ensure my passing of the BJC's. I just feel so hopeless sometimes, about the future of the world, and the state of education at the moment.
Thanks for reading this :)