Comment history

LegalEye says...

Thank you Mr. Davis for your sobering commentary. However be sure to remember that as many Bahamians have proved that their memories are not as short as most politicians think or would like to believe, if in fact the PLP wins the next government, be sure that the electorate will be looking to see if many of the things you warn about the FNM doing and subjecting them to, the PLP doesn't ultimately subject the people to.
You Sir have been forewarned!

On LegalEye

Posted 28 May 2018, 10:18 p.m. Suggest removal

LegalEye says...

please tell me what's wrong with this picture...
the govt. removes illegal homes...we have a problem
the residents stone and injure our law enforcement officers while they do their jobs...we have a problem
we repatriate illegals and undesirables to their home countries...we have a problem...
laws were made for the lawless and if and when persons who reside in this paradise we call home offend those laws, it would be irresponsible of the govt. to turn a blind eye to the offenders and let them have their way.
should the govt. renege on its responsibility to do the right thing (enforce the laws of a sovereign country) it continues to perpetuate the cycle of lawlessness & anarchy we are experiencing today.
so tell me...whats the problem??