Comment history

LeslieM says...

The DNA will be the Government for the Bahamian People come 2017. PLP is finish and the FNM lost its way. The FNM made to many bad decisions during their time in governance that really hurt our economy. Minnis supported those decision, such as 1. No Bahamians need apply for certain contracts in the Bahamas. 2. Sale of BTC for a Rip-off price to foreigners,
3. Property Removalble Act, 4. Bad Banking Laws and regulations, 5. Moratorium Bahamian Own Banks, 6. Moratorium on Liquor Licenses to Bahamians, 7. Road works contracted to Foreigners, etc. The present leader of the FNM never said a word against any of these decision.

On US alert over protest march

Posted 24 November 2016, 11:33 a.m. Suggest removal

LeslieM says...

Obie Wilchcombe is warning protestors to be mindful of their actions, how about warning yourself along with all of your other ministers including the Prime Minister of worthless governance of our country.

On US alert over protest march

Posted 24 November 2016, 11:07 a.m. Suggest removal

LeslieM says...

looking for the letter of interest posted by BAIC, for the revitalization of sponges

On LeslieM

Posted 14 June 2016, 1:54 a.m. Suggest removal