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Lil242 says...

Income tax my foot. These clowns need to go sit down and drink some water. When VAT was introduce , the public was promise VAT will be used to pay the national debt and end budget deficits. Neither of the things has happen, governments have continued to borrow an run budget deficits due to bad management of public monies. The borrowing nor deficits will never end even if the government was taxing 51% of the countries GDP an collecting it annually.

On Governor: Income tax allows better targeting

Posted 27 February 2023, 3:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Lil242 says...

Lol, the UN along all these Human Rights Organizations will soon want all men on the planet to wear skirts in public like the King of England do, I refuse to bow. 'I have no King".
Marital rape, child maintenances, spousal maintenances; all these are weapons used by women to destroy men in court. Family courts are bias towards men.
No one in their right mind signs a contract with another party that is rewarded for breaking the contract.
Whatever happened to issues such as; substance abuse, prostate cancer, homelessness, industrial accidents, mental illness amongst men. "Shut up an take it your a man they say"! No one cares.
Passport Bro for life! Cant play in we Bahama Land backyard anymore its to risky and requires too much lawyer money; an time in the police station. I will not buy/ marry a modern feminist cow and I can get the milk for free thanks to feminism, give me all the traditional foreign cows.

On PM: Wives raped by husbands should call police

Posted 13 October 2022, 11:46 a.m. Suggest removal

Lil242 says...

There are way more pressing issues the government can address then this. Now 95% of women will cry rape in court to jail their innocent ex-husbands during the divorce process it will be weaponise the same way child and spousal maintenance this is a nice way to improve the marriage and birth rates an the family structure.

On Legislation on marital rape being reviewed

Posted 12 September 2022, 12:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Lil242 says...

Mr.Bowe lives in a different reality. There are many young Bahamians whom were educated here or aboard many of which holds bachelor degrees or higher; myself being one of them. Many of these individuals are constantly being told that they are overqualified or we can't afford to pay you.
The problem that Mr. Bowe an other employers face isnt finding qualified individual; it's the fact that qualified individuals won't work in line staff job roles for minimum wage.

Nobody who is qualified wants to be underpaid and underemployed that's the issue, and I can bet the job role he was seeking to full doesn't pay more then $240 per week.

On 'Save the country' with productivity

Posted 6 September 2022, 11:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Lil242 says...

These politicians won't stop borrowing until they run this country down to the ground to the likes of Jamaica or Sri Lanka. Consecutive governments has refuse to stop borrowing money budget after budget for the past 49 years borrow borrow borrow. Rothschild will fill their pockets n still cash in when our government defaults. Our politicans are to prideful to go to the IMF, all the ingredients is already cooking for a sovereign default its only a matter of time.

Lil242 says...

Great Britain isn't the global empire it once was before world war 1 and 2. The West are still benefiting from slavery to this day we owe it to our forefathers to remove these chains.
Most countries that turn republic's fail from within thru civil wars, bad economic management, corruption and the personal mindset of its people.
Whether the Bahamas decides to be a republic or not this country will fall not because of political instability but because of poor economic management of our economy by numerous governemnts and corruption. The first steps to becoming a Banana Republic is a debt crisis or war.

Lil242 says...

Sigh!!! Same old trash different government it's doesn't matter which tax reform the present government implement in the near future. Both political parties will continue to run deficts, overspend, borrow money and full their pockets; and the pockets of their supporters with greasy governemnt contracts at the expense of the Bahamian people and the Public Treasury.
The international and domestic lending markets aren't interested in the government useless junk bonds or extending it credit; hopefully this will prolong our inevitable sovereign default and teach these politicians a lesson.

Lil242 says...

Our 3rd world politicians really think the US cares about a colored nation a few miles off it shores. The only country the US cares about is itself when the US invades another sovereign nation again I hope the Bahamas governemnt an the world don't turn a blind eye an put sanctions on the US, all wars should be condemned past,present an future all have the same consequences.
This country should have stayed neutral, but our government decided to be the American puppets. The US is only interested it's world order an hegemony and will use her media and mighty dollar to bring down and demonize any nation that doesn't follow its orders or nation it can't control. Let them keep picking fights with the Dragon an the Bear, no country can win a nuclear war, there won't be a world afterwards.
When its time for the US to try bully China again like it does to the whole world an puts more sanctions on China again I want see what our ignorant corrupt government will do then. We should have put a mule from one of those farms on Long Island in the house of assembly to run this country we would have been better off. No amount of power or money can defeat history or time great nations come an go just like everything else in life.

On Bahamas sanctions Russian finances

Posted 14 March 2022, 9:52 a.m. Suggest removal

Lil242 says...

Dear Mr.Rolle, I am sure you are a educated man but sadly no one is buying your PR campaign. Didn't the Christe administrations implemented VAT to pay the national an to end budget deficits. VAT generates over $1 billion in revenue a year, yet there were still budget deficits an the government continued to borrow pre-covid, and pre- Dorian sense the implementation of VAT.

Hence the more revenue the government takes from the public the more money our corrupt governments will spend. The implementation of income or corporate tax would generate more revenue for the government at the expense of poor Bahamians but our corrupt government will continue to run deficits an borrow money regradless.

The default of the bahamas government is inevitable. I give the government two and half years max before it defaults. Just look at the deal our government went to Goldman Sach with to borrow money, putting $235 million in US bonds the government held up for collateral with the option to buy it back 2years at a discount prices plus interest inccured only jonsers operate this way for quick money when your credit score is 0. Why because the government interest is to high and its bonds are trading at heavily discount prices.

Lil242 says...

Lol there is no point praying about it, these politicians will lead this country off the fiscal cliff. The financial crisis the Bahamas finds itself in now has been building for nearly 50years now. Welcome to the new Haiti, and Jamaica my fellow Bahamians it aint long na.

On Seven years surplus to hit budget target

Posted 7 March 2022, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal