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Lil242 says...

Knowing our brainless corrupt politician's, they will go right ahead bending to pressure from the US to place sanctions on Russia; they are too ignorant to stay neutral in geo- political affairs.
Thank God we have no world class economy or military, gold or large oil reserves they would have painted the bahamas as enemies and invade us too. Just ask Japan what happened to them in the 80's when they had the second largest economy in the world ask; Haiti, Cuba , Mexico, Panama, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Congo, Afganistan an the list goes on who invaded them. It's not our government place to put sanctions on any nation, the government needs worry about all the debt they put us in an the corruption within it. We arent a warmonger nation we are a peaceful nation what needs to mind our own business. The government want sanction another nation an never produce a balance budget yet in the history of this country don't make me laugh. Our government should sanction itself from borrowing money how about that?

Lil242 says...

The Bahamas needs not to be caught up in geopolitical issues of superpowers. War is war, all war should be condemned. The cherry picking condemnation of some wars over other conflicts/wars is hypocrisy.
Many forget Ukraine sent 5,000 troops to Iraq in support of the US/ NATO baseless invasion where many innocent civilians lives were lost. This is the same un, us/ nato that pass resolution that give them the right in invaded Iraq, where was the public outcry against the West for countless nations the West invaded; where are the sanctions against the West on these matters.
The Ukraine crisis is not different from the Cuba Missiles Crisis, the US wont let anyone place missiles on their backdoor but want to do it too other nations; its called a double standard. The US is only interested in its hegemony and its world order anyone that challenges it is a enemy. How many countries has the US invaded or overthrown governments and place western friendly government puppets,
Ukraine just got used by the West.
How am I your friend? when I want you to stay dependent on me economically and for security eg. NATO and other puppet nations to keep me #1 in the world. History states great nations rise and fall an another nation takes its place not everyone can accept that. Most of the wars and conflicts in the world can be trace back to one source that's US foreign policy and its hegemony. Ukraine should have stayed neutral with both the West and the East.

Lil242 says...

I don't believe a word these clowns saying, government bonds are already trading at distress levels all the ingredients are in place for a default in the near term. Now they going around to these local lending institutions begging to borrow money; who believing their pretty speeches that's filled of lies the private sector ain't dumb. These lending institutions know a government default is coming soon. Economic growth dnt make me laugh before Dorian and Covid-19 this country had negative GDP growth for decades; am tired of the lying politicians and civil servants. I listen to private sector for the truth not politicians, the private sector don't need votes every 5 years. We will be just like Jamaica in short order is correct.

On Gov’t ‘reaching ceiling’ on debt

Posted 3 November 2021, 9:59 a.m. Suggest removal

Lil242 says...

Ok now its official , it's time to perpare too jump ship an move aboard.

On Banks not ‘betting against economy’

Posted 28 October 2021, 8:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Lil242 says...

Interesting, so how the government is going to pay the $900 million in principle and $300 million in interest payments that's due before this year is out. Dnt blame the US debt ceiling, no one in their right mind will lend a country money that has a junk status credit rating. None of our governments ever put one dollar from their own revenue on our debt from 1973; when ever debt and interest payments was due the government always borrowed again to make the payments. VAT was suppose too be the solution to meet the countries debt obligations yet this wasn't being done by the PLP nor FNM , these parties spent the VAT money and other monies like drunkards while enriching themselves. Basically the government lenders and creditors are saying credit is denied. So are the Bahamian people getting a government debt default for a Christmas gift? from the corrupt FNM and PLP whom put this country in nearly $13 billion dollars in debt in 47years. When the BSD is devalued and loses its peg to the USD, and inflation an the IMF comes to town what pretty lies the FNM and PLP will come up with then?

On Gov’t $90m ahead of revenue target

Posted 26 October 2021, 11:06 a.m. Suggest removal

Lil242 says...

These politicians so dry up, Minnis only opposing for the sake of opposing like they all do when their out of power. Many powerless politicians run to these newspapers an will oppose your pet gold fish in an article if they have too just to stay relevant in the minds of Bahamians voters, it's a old tactic thats played out in the eyes of the people. We the people know the former administration global ranking in the Covid- 19 Global Response Chart its all over the internet. We the people also know every previous administration economic track record for the past 48 years as well , thats all over the internet too in Moody, S&P and IMF Bahamas Economic Reports. So go figure........buddy!!!!

Lil242 says...

Frustratedbusinessman@ you are 100% correct. 48years of ignorant governance is going too catch up with this country in short order, more debt more debt until the government denied credit. No government of the Bahamas ever funded it's own budget without borrowing, nor have any place $1 USD or $1 BSD on the national debt without borrowing. I give these ignorant politicians 2 years max the government will default. Hiring old hags at the expense of young people won't matter when central bank start printing $500, $5,000, $10,000 Bahamian notes, an it cost nearly $500 BSD to buy two beef patties. I would believe a donkey from one of those farms on Long Island before I believe a word; any politician has to say from any political party in this country. Only the Lord could save this country and the world not men.

Lil242 says...

Wow this is unbelievable, all of our corrupt Prime Ministers and MP's (Yes Man and Women) that ever sit in Parliament put our Bahama Land in this financial situation. Its time to start converting our BSD to USD now and open a USD saving account to be able to afford a flight to a better life before the IMF rolls in. These politicians only about themselves we the Bahamian people can see through their deceiving pretty PR speeches and lies. Only a Bahamas Government Sovereign Debt Default can stop these ignorant politicians from borrowing people money, the IMF will own us for generations to come. For the sake of power an votes they refuse to reduce employment in the bloated unproductive public sector and privatise these SOE's which drain the public treasury; and they refuse to stomp out corruption and wastage of the peoples money. I bet anyone before the next general election the Bahamas government will default, $3.5 billion is due in debt from 2021 to 2026 once the government is denied access to the credit market it will default.

Lil242 says...

In all honesty he is correct to some extent. The social an economic situation in any nation is the collectiveness of every decision and choice made by every household and the government. The personal choices of every Bahamian whether bad or good effects every inch of society on a economic and social level in some way.

Eg. A young man can choose to go to college and get education. OR He can choose a life crime both of his personal choices effects the country on a social and economic level. The government cant be blame or expected to fix the bad individual choices of persons. Everything the governments does comes with an expense, which the taxpayers pay. I prefer my tax paying dollars to provide free college education for bahamians, instead of feeding the individuals in the Bahamas Correction Facility.
No matter the economic situation of a country crime is a choice, many are hopeless, and unemployed due to poor governance but committing crime is a choice.

On ‘Parents must do better job’

Posted 29 September 2021, 9:43 a.m. Suggest removal

Lil242 says...

Your, 100% correct. One thing I give the new PM credit for is admitting the truth about the state of the country's debt crisis unlike the dictator . What the average Bahamian fail to realize is the country has been running large budget deficits for 35 plus years and governments have been borrowing to pay old debt an the salaries of the overlarge public sector and other financial obligations. Either the government starts the austerity measures willingly or be force to do so by the IMF. We as Bahamians are a proud people and we love our little Bahama-land and we migrate as skill workers to other countries not as economic refugees. I don't want to be spending hundreds of BSD for a single roll of toilet paper, the first order of business for the new government is stop borrowing from the international banking organizations, and stop issuing these junk status bahamian bonds to fund deficits which has high interest and live within their means, or wait for default to be freeze out the international banking system. One way or the other further social an economic hardship is coming to this country because of the high level of debt, this along with negative GDP growth for the pass 20 years and climate change along covid will erase the way of life we accustom too. At lease the US may not treat bahamians like how they did other nationalities at Del Rio bridge and take the skilled educated Bahamians when the time comes lololololol.