Comment history

LisaandPatti says...

Right now the American Economy is Booming! Trump has brought higher wages and more jobs to countless people. To address Amazon cities are recruiting their new head quarters to be built in their state. They are a huge employer with progressive ideas, with fantastic wages and benefits. They are boosting the economy. Going to keep prices down with their competition. Now Bahamian immigrants in my opinion won't be affected from the battle in Washington D C at this time. This is about the millions of Hispanic that are illegally here. Trump will get his wall and everyone here can stay. Betcha they won't deport anyone. They just want to get a hand on it.

On Newbold: Stay tuned on immigration

Posted 25 January 2018, 10:36 a.m. Suggest removal

LisaandPatti says...

If your born in the United States your a citizen, simple as that.

On Abandoned by the country of his birth

Posted 23 January 2018, 6:49 p.m. Suggest removal

LisaandPatti says...

Marital Rape isn't reported most often, doesn't make it right. If it's physically taken against one's will it is rape, and should be punished just like any other rape. All rape's are hard to prove. Young ladies lie after they feel remorse for a decision made while drinking. A lot of reasons.

On Marital rape and immigration overhaul

Posted 19 January 2018, 10:53 a.m. Suggest removal