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Livestofish says...

You are an idiot. The Bahamas became a democratic country in 92 .. And do one can tell me that's not the truth

On Governor General's throne 'stolen'

Posted 26 May 2012, 10:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Livestofish says...

Maybe she should take a trip before she choice to write about a place.

Livestofish says...

Ethnocentric Bit** .. Some Americans are really ignorant .. They believe that people are not happy outside of America..

Livestofish says...

I really don't get it.. Isn't the plp that promise to suppress crime in this country.. I would like to think stiffer laws and punishments would be an effective method in slowing down crime... Why you so want to soften the punishments.... Bunch of hebitudes ..

On PLP 'soft on crime' claim

Posted 17 May 2012, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Livestofish says...

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On Roadworks project to continue

Posted 16 May 2012, 11:06 p.m.

Livestofish says...

I strongly believe the FNM will win the election in 2017. PLPs i'll advise you guys to celebrate as much as you can now because in 5 years you'll will receive the boot.. The PLP gov/cabinet is comprised of a bunch of hebitudes they are clueless about the current situations the Bahamas face. Moreover in 5 years they will be looking for a new leader seeing that Perry will not be around. It going to get nasty trust me, there's going to be a fight for the leadership position.

On FNM senators to be sworn in

Posted 16 May 2012, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Livestofish says...

I link the idea Mr. Grey..perhaps you the only PLP MP i can stomach.. However, you guys love to make promises , I'll wait to see if this will be fruitated..

On 'Buy Bahamas' plan to cut food imports

Posted 16 May 2012, 2:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Livestofish says...

Hello Mr. Davis I hope you somehow stumble upon this article and perhaps took the time out to read my post. With that being said I'll like to say that although you were able to win the constituency of Cat island, Rum cay and San Sal a few weeks ago, I'd like to warn you that due to your poor representation skills and lack of concern the people of cat island are very fed up. For far to long you've neglected us . We are far behind the other island in the Bahamas and it seems as if you don't care. You have use us as stepping stones for far to long, it time you live up to your obligations .. 1. We need a new terminal building 2. We need another festival 3. We need new roads 4. We need a resort ( so please attract an investor). 5. We need scholarships for the youth. And last but not least you need to cut ties with Ezra Russell he is no good for you!!!

On Roadworks project to continue

Posted 16 May 2012, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Livestofish says...

Buckle your seat belts were're in for one hell of a ride!!

On Christie not up to the job

Posted 16 May 2012, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal