Comment history

Loveitorleaveit says...

Blah Blah Blah the one with the money and hence best attorney gets a better deal everyone knows that

Loveitorleaveit says...

If you don't know the facts please refrain from commenting it only shows how stupid you are.

Loveitorleaveit says...

duppyVAT you are so ignorant! Why are you judging him without knowing anything about him or the case? He is not a "Vet nut crack" he volunteers with little black ghetto boys and girls teaching them about God and doing the right thing. He is very spiritual and would never hurt anyone unless his life was threatened. Who have you helped? When did you ever volunteer to help little black Bahamians? One day maybe someone will come at you with a machete and you will defend yourself and then we can all get together and say stupid things about you while you rot in Fox Hill. Have a nice day!! Idiot!!!

Loveitorleaveit says...

Why dont you report both sides of a story instead of giving out information that will prejudice the public against him?

Loveitorleaveit says...

Can someone tell me how it is that Solomon's Fresh Market at Old fort Bay can have cheaper prices than Super Value Cable Beach???
Rupert Roberts care to explain that?
Do they not pay the same rate of import duty as you do? Or truth be told are you truly simply gouging the Bahamian public out of pure greed?!
Hey if I were an unscrupulous human being and saw an opportunity to raise prices on a weekly basis with absolutely no thought of how if affects my customers maybe I would do it too but I would like to think that I would not.
Remember Mr. Roberts deeds count for more than words.