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Lsheltonbrock says...

Well, tell me heterosexual marriage has been the tradition and law for centuries,
but so was slavery of black people. Was it a bad thing that slavery was ended? Was the legalizing of interracial marriage a poor decision? Just guessing of course, but I would think likely you probably favor both of the major social changes. Just because we have done something one way for a long time in my view is no reason to not do something differently. One would want the change to be made to benefit humanity in one way or another. Usually allowing ofor greater freedom and equality is considered to a step forward for humanity. If the population were equality straight and gay marriage equality would have been the rule from the beginning. The fact is this issue exists because its about majority control as in the majority is where the power and money lie. So tell me what is so wrong with including all human beings in the family? Straight marriage and "the family" is in no way negativity effected by allowing other the right to be married and form a family. Religious straight people claim that marriage is a good thing for society in that it encourages mature behaviors and responsibilities. So why not broaden that concept to include more of society?