Comment history

Lwells91 says...

This really shows the level of competence and due diligence these boards have. The film is a Japanese animated cartoon in which a young man slays demons. One would think that this sort of content would be welcomed in a Christian nation, but I digress... These people love to pat themselves on the back with their positions granted through nepotism and not merits. If anyone actually took the time to watch the film they would see just how asinine this whole thing is and what an embarrassment it is to those who claim to have authority.

Lwells91 says...

Smttttt...the capital city with the roads of a deserted cay. But they want us license and insure our cars on time while paying almost $7 a gallon for gas. Public transportation is a joke and don't work at night. It's almost as if🤔...we pay taxes for nothing. I love my fellow Bahamians and my country but I have an absolute and unequivocal disdain for the level of incompetence (and corruption) displayed by ALL of our so called leaders...They expect us to to do so much with so little but in return they do so little with so much...Cheapus ya let them potcake what running round lead cause it can't make no less sense than it making now.

On INSIGHT: Holes, bumps and shoddy road repairs

Posted 6 September 2022, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Lwells91 says...

So where the h*ll all this rain come from den????

Lwells91 says...

Can we agree to disagree that the minimum wage does in fact need to increase...but there needs to significant economic development on the family islands as well as an income tax on those making north of $600,000 annually...Nassau and Grand Bahama do not make up the entirety of The Bahamas and I honestly believe many people (including myself) if given the chance under the right circumstances would leave Nassau and live on a family island.

Lwells91 says...

Heartbreaking. Condolences to the family. Saved the lives of two relatives and died trying to save a third. No words can describe the strength of this woman. Heroic in every sense of the word may she rest in eternal peace.

Lwells91 says...

So after needing approval all of a sudden to post these numbers....they come with the lowest amount of confirmed cases from the start....all I saying is what a strange coincidence

On 14 new cases of COVID-19, two deaths

Posted 25 August 2020, 1:55 a.m. Suggest removal

Lwells91 says...

Surprised? I'm not... I wish they would listen to the Bahamian people all the time.... We know what's best for us not all the time but most of these D-average Bahamians they like to put down still have good ole fashioned common sense.

On PM reverses new lockdown measures

Posted 18 August 2020, 5:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Lwells91 says...

Before one is sent to the BDCS they are held in police custody...Mr. Rolle himself stated that those foods were being picked up for I'm trying to see what exactly I don't comprehend?

Lwells91 says...

**it's just lies**...As someone who has sampled the food from this particular establishment as well as someone who has been incarcerated, I will tell you that we did not have our food prepared by a restaurant. When I was locked up (2018) we were told that our food was prepared by student chefs at The University of The Bahamas campus and that was why it was either hit or miss, late or didn't arrive at all. Now you're trying to tell the Bahamian people that this little restaurant tucked away in the corner of the Golden Gates Shopping centre is responsible for preparing thousands of meals a day for prisoners (and staff) as well as being able to serve normal patrons. We may lack many things as Bahamians but we do not lack common sense. And the fact that the Commissioner of Police came out and said this blatant lie speaks volumes as to how they view the average Bahamian citizen.

Lwells91 says...

I am sickened by this... As someone who has sampled the food at this particular restaurant and as someone who has spent time in prison I can assure you that this is certainly not the truth. If that restaurant feeds the prisoners they either a) need to be shut down immediately for the poor quality of food given to human beings. or b)no wonder crime so high if yall feeding them all that good food. When I was locked up (2018) we were told that the food was prepared by student chefs at the University of The Bahamas Campus and that is why the food was always hit or miss, late, or didn't arrive at all. I find it impossible that a restaurant could prepare thousands of meals for prisoners AND prison staff and still be able to serve normal patrons.
They really think that we Bahamians are dumb, stupid, retarded or a combination of all three. What we do not lack is common sense, we are tired of being lied to and treated like animals in our "own" country.