Comment history

LyndenPindling says...

5 oil wells have been drilled in the Bahamas including Cay Sal & Doubloon Saxon (1987) which are both relatively close to Perseverance1. Strangely, despite relatively crude technology there were no disasters, no explosions, no leaks just like hundreds of other offshore wells. Commercial oil was never found because they drilled the wrong targets although we know oil was certainly present. The chances of finding commercial oil are c35% so no guarantees.

The hysteria needs to stop, BPC are employing top contractors and yes everybody is acutely aware of the environment sensitives. BPC have a contract with the government and if you want that cancelled it will cost in the region US $300m-$500m in compensation to add to the already $7bn national debt.

Lets not forget the following: millions of tourists arrive each year by plane and ship powered by fossil fuels, thousands of oil tankers sail through Bahamian waters each year (old enough to remember the Exxon Valdez?) and yet nobody blinks an eye when it would only take one accident and then lastly the Bahamas is home to very substantial oil storage facilities and the government recently approved a major expansion.

As the Attorney General said, the drill is perfectly legal so lets get on with it.

LyndenPindling says...

5 oil wells have been drilled in the Bahamas including Cay Sal & Doubloon Saxon (1987) which are both relatively close to Perseverance1. Strangely, despite relatively crude technology there were no disasters, no explosions, no leaks just like hundreds of other offshore wells. Commercial oil was never found because they drilled the wrong targets although we know oil was certainly present. The chances of finding commercial oil are c35% so no guarantees.

The hysteria needs to stop, BPC are employing top contractors and yes everybody is acutely aware of the environment sensitives. BPC have a contract with the government and if you want that cancelled it will cost in the region US $300m-$500m in compensation to add to the already $7bn national debt.

Lets no forget the following: millions of tourists arrive each year by plane and ship powered by fossil fuels, thousands of oil tankers sail through Bahamian waters each year (old enough to remember the Exxon Valdez?) and yet nobody blinks an eye when it would only take one accident and then lastly the Bahamas is home to very substantial oil storage facilities and the government recently approved a major expansion.

As the Attorney General said, the drill is perfectly legal so lets get on with it.