Comment history

M0J0 says...

lol we mess rite up even know where they throw the billions they borrowed and sadly we stuck with the bill, whiles many living now in brand new erected houses. My Bahamaland.

M0J0 says...

only way hybrid will be 100 percent successful is if the gov. will supply free wifi and free devices. Not everyone has the luxury of being able to afford such things.

M0J0 says...

As gov. change the hands the money drop into also changes. Something I feel needs to be worked on, if something is almost done just let them finish it, no matter whom has the contract.

M0J0 says...

sickened you obviously aint in the know lol. poor getn taxed but million dollar properties aint paying a dime. run talk dat.

M0J0 says...

All gov. has to do is collect property tax and enforce payments and penalties. If the FNM did not give all those tax breaks the kitty would be filled.

M0J0 says...

yup the gov said building between the rock was dumb, when it was brilliant and being blocked by any winds and once graded properly from waters also.

M0J0 says...

I spoke with a teacher recently and simply told them if you did not get into teaching to help kids then get out. Its time teachers come off the lazy high horse and work. They can find a medium and not just neglect all for their gain. I agree if they are not being heard then they have to do what they must, but at least try half way before just cutting off fully.

M0J0 says...

To be honest sports tourism can be great for the Bahamas because of our location. Many teams were interested in coming down for training and with all of the major leaguers we have now can be a good boost for the economy and hotels if they were to choose to use the said location.

M0J0 says...

its time the gov. got serious with collection. If they collect we wont be in debt simple.

M0J0 says...

some technology agreement was made also.