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MADD_FACE says...

Fellow Bahamians. When are we all going to wake up. Does someone need to throw water on you or do you need to be shaken to snap out of this dream. As long as we DEPEND on our Government to do the right thing we will always be disappointed. These are NOT honest men. They are mere mortals who are weakened by money and status. You speak of change but don't really want any real change. Who did you vote for...... The same liars and cheats that have run our country for almost 40 years. We are all to blame, NOT the Government. Why are we pretending to be surprised? All we do is change hands. Does some one have to Bitch Slap you in the face to wake you up. Well here it is. The Slap in the Face............ Your Government cares about it;s "Circle of Friends," NOT you. Who will you vote for next election, another Slap in the face?

MADD_FACE says...

It is absolutely heartbreaking to see how Bahamians are ready to condone this young man's behavior. Lets say this young man was Jamaica's Usain Bolt, he would lose ALL sports endorsements, he would not be allowed to participate in any sports events at all. Don't believe me...... ask Oscar Pistorius, the athlete who earlier this year was accused of murder. Should we wait until this young man kills someone before we try to curb his attitude. People, our country is confused, we suffer from the "not my good child" syndrome. Your good child could have killed someone. It seems, as young Mr. Newbold puts it, "Its all GUCCI". Well JAIL is not the end of the world, nor is missing Carifta, we'll have more. Take some time and consider your actions, consider your parents and anyone else who could be hurt as a result of your actions. The reform happens after the penalty. What punishment has he faced thus far..... Missing Carifta is NOT enough. How about he sits out a year. If he truly loves what he does he will train and practice everyday and return ready to show us all that he has grown from this.

MADD_FACE says...

It is absolutely heartbreaking to see how Bahamians are ready to condone this young man's behavior. Lets say this young man was Jamaica's Usain Bolt, he would lose ALL sports endorsements, he would not be allowed to participate in any sports events at all. Don't believe me...... ask Oscar Pistorius, the athlete who earlier this year was accused of murder. Should we wait until this young man kills someone before we try to curb his attitude. People, our country is confused, we suffer from the "not my good child" syndrome. Your good child could have killed someone. It seems, as young Mr. Newbold puts it, "Its all GUCCI". Well JAIL is not the end of the world, nor is missing Carifta, we'll have more. Take some time and consider your actions, consider your parents and anyone else who could be hurt as a result of your actions. The reform happens after the penalty. What punishment has he faced thus far..... Missing Carifta is NOT enough. How about he sits out a year. If he truly loves what he does he will train and practice everyday and return ready to show us all that he has grown from this.

MADD_FACE says...

It is absolutely heartbreaking to see how Bahamians are ready to condone this young man's behavior. Lets say this young man was Jamaica's Usain Bolt, he would lose ALL sports endorsements, he would not be allowed to participate in any sports events at all. Don't believe me...... ask Oscar Pistorius, the athlete who earlier this year was accused of murder. Should we wait until this young man kills someone before we try to curb his attitude. People, our country is confused, we suffer from the "not my good child" syndrome. Your good child could have killed someone. It seems, as young Mr. Newbold puts it, "Its all GUCCI". Well JAIL is not the end of the world, nor is missing Carifta, we'll have more. Take some time and consider your actions, consider your parents and anyone else who could be hurt as a result of your actions. The reform happens after the penalty. What punishment has he faced thus far..... Missing Carifta is NOT enough. How about he sits out a year. If he truly loves what he does he will train and practice everyday and return ready to show us all that he has grown from this.

On Carifta team member arrested for firearm

Posted 24 March 2013, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

MADD_FACE says...

It is absolutely heartbreaking to see how Bahamians are ready to condone this young man's behavior. Lets say this young man was Jamaica's Usain Bolt, he would lose ALL sports endorsements, he would not be allowed to participate in any sports events at all. Don't believe me...... ask Oscar Pistorius, the athlete who earlier this year was accused of murder. Should we wait until this young man kills someone before we try to curb his attitude. People, our country is confused, we suffer from the "not my good child" syndrome. Your good child could have killed someone. It seems, as young Mr. Newbold puts it, "Its all GUCCI". Well JAIL is not the end of the world, nor is missing Carifta, we'll have more. Take some time and consider your actions, consider your parents and anyone else who could be hurt as a result of your actions. The reform happens after the penalty. What punishment has he faced thus far..... Missing Carifta is NOT enough. How about he sits out a year. If he truly loves what he does he will train and practice everyday and return ready to show us all that he has grown from this.


Posted 24 March 2013, 6:20 p.m. Suggest removal