Comment history

MajorTom says...

Does The Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgements Act apply here?…

MajorTom says...

I'm glad to be reading these comments. Please read every FOIA in existence, and then raise your grievances about this one at the town hall meetings promised by Mr. Fitzjgerald. The time has come for all the Keyboard Warriors to show up in person and make their voices heard. There may may nothing more satisfying to the architects of this draft than an empty room as opposition.

MajorTom says...

Why do I have to look to a letter to the Editor, or the comments section of a major newspaper to find this question, or a speculative answer?
Does this newspaper not employ journalists?
If there are any journalists working here, could you please rise beyond letting others do your work for you, and do what needs to be done to answer this question?

On Mystery of the BTC Foundation

Posted 18 May 2015, 3:55 p.m. Suggest removal

MajorTom says...

The Freedom of Information Act to be tabled will not provide any remedy to the scandals this government is involved in. Do you really believe they would put in a mechanism to hang themselves. The upcoming FOIA is a joke. Better than nothing, but sorely lacking. Come to the town hall meeting and see.

On PAC blocked by Speaker

Posted 14 May 2015, 11:10 a.m. Suggest removal

MajorTom says...

This is not an 11th hour bid to keep its appeal alive, but rather some 13th hour chicanery that
only the AG's office would have the temerity to attempt.

MajorTom says...

I think it important to note that the BEST Commission, whilst once a quasi-governmental organization meant to serve the government in some kind of regulatory capacity, has now been fully incorporated into the Department of The Environment, and is in no way independent from the government. As such, putting any issue before it serves no purpose, other than to give Bahamians the impression that some outside regulator has vetted some government undertaking, and has no issue with it.