Comment history

Major_Pain says...

The PLP suck but so does Loretta Butler-Turner and her FNM, none of them believe in Bahamians unless it affects their bank accounts.

Major_Pain says...

John and others using "smart phones" probably don't realize that anyone can hack into their phone over wireless (or downloaded via a trojan through a website or email/app update) and install spy software to track everything they do and say on their phone from a remote location.

Every call they receive or number they dial, can send a SMS message to the remote user who can then simply call the phone and listen in on the call or audio of the surrounding area, record the call, and even view the camera's video and take photos. There is nothing left to the imagination these days. Even the best security is easily cracked, passwords revealed, and the smart phone user's every move is tracked online and off. This applies to ALL IOS and Android phones and tablets, and some Blackberry and Symbian.

Other than tracking them, this also compromises any data they have on the phone/tablet, and any gets the logins to sites like facebook, tritter, google docs, etc. Meaning all their online data is also compromised.

The "bubbler" is still the safest choice, at least when it comes to data and tracking.

But hey, if they want to give all their money to BTC they are free to do so, but they are also supporting the danger to our health imposed by EMFs from all the BTC mobile towers being installed in residential areas. Wireless so powerful will never be safe to the human body - there are other health risks besides cancer, everything from stress and sleep disorders to birth defects, and Alzheimer’s. EMFs from cell phone towers are impossible to escape.

If BTC cared one bit about the people of the Bahamas, they would install more payphones and less of these mobile cell towers. Payphones are not only safer for the human body, they are also cheaper for the end user at 25 cents a call, compared to the minimum of $1 needed for cell phone "minutes".

Major_Pain says...

Carnival tradition is based on a number of disciplines including: "Playing Mas"/masquerade; calypso music and crowning a Calypso King or Monarch

Calypso is a style of Afro-Caribbean music that originated in Trinidad and Tobago during the early to mid-20th century. Its rhythms can be traced back to West African Kaiso

Calypso drew upon African and French influences, and became the voice of the people.
As calypso developed, the role of the griot (originally a similar traveling musician in West Africa) became known as a chantuelle and eventually, calypsonian

etc. wiki

Major_Pain says...

Yes, Romans were fake grinding in the middle of the road to African music, doing African tribal dances. LOL you guys. Keep up the laughs.

These fools say this Carnival is NOT African LOL.
It doesn't get more African than this ....

![alt text]( "Title")

Major_Pain says...

HA HA Good one. Listen, I don't know what Carnival you are talking about and quite frankly I do not care, but this Carnival obviously comes from Africa. The Costumes are African, the Dances are African, even the Face and body painting are African, definitely the music is African. You can try and twist it into whatever you like, keep telling yourself it is not African, but Carnival and Junkanoo is 100% African and nothing can change that now - time to move on and create your own culture, you think?

Major_Pain says...

Bahamas .com uses Drupal, which is open source content management system.…

Eg. "Up to 12 million websites may have been compromised by attackers who took advantage of a bug in the widely used Drupal software."…

"Fallaga Team" are the "script kiddies" behind the defacing of the Bahamas Tourism websites. They are like a bunch of bored kids, not as "terrorist" as they want you to believe. They use vulnerabilities in existing server code, SQL injections etc. So basic protection should help keep them out - create adaptive code to trap them, use vulnerability testing software to test with, it also acts as a quick way to create blocks for known exploits. PHP are the most common sites attacked. They don't do anything special, they likely learned it from simple google searches, even Youtube videos.………

here is the Fallaga Team's twitter -

and Facebook;

Report them, it may help stop them temporarily.

They also have a youtube page.

Boycott Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube if you are serious.
Or at least contact them and let them know you think they are messed up for supporting those Islamic Terrorists.
They support the Islamic Terrorists by allowing their pages to remain on their servers.
And if they do not consider them Terrorists (or Terrorist Supporters) then at least they must acknowledge the hackers as criminals, at the very least.

To put another spin on this, by using Facebook you are actually supporting their hacking. For example, your data is sitting next to their data on the same server. Would you continue to sit next to someone that has just robbed a bank? You are judged by the company you keep, in this case Hackers. Do what is right, delete all your data on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, and deactivate your accounts in protest.

Major_Pain says...

Carnival AND Junkanoo are both African Culture. And they did not eat the kind of crap Bahamians eat today. Some things should be left in the past. How about a march with colorful costumes designed around maths and english, science and engineering? Where is the support for our future Astronauts, Rocket Scientists, Brain Surgeons, and Inventors. Have Bahamians not evolved from the days of shaking their boongy in public.

Major_Pain says...

Carnival AND Junkanoo are both African Culture. And they did not eat the kind of crap Bahamians eat today. Some things should be left in the past. How about a march with colorful costumes designed around maths and english, science and engineering? Where is the support for our future Astronauts, Rocket Scientists, Brain Surgeons, and Inventors. Have Bahamians not evolved from the days of shaking their boongy in public.

Major_Pain says...

First thing this QC said that makes sense. There is no need to have a review of a review of a review of a review - this nonsense must stop. Shit happens, and this is the type of shit that happens when you live next to a Gas Station. We all know there was a leak, now deal with it

Major_Pain says...

The "number kingpins" as you put it, also paid money to the FNM's election campaign. So it would be more correct to call them Ingraham and Christies number boys. They are both the same, they always have been the same, and their supporters are all the same as well.