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MareNostrum says...

Thank God for these brave women who are fighting for all our children's education. It is a sad state of affairs that a country prioritizes tourism at the expense of the education and well being of children. The bars are open, the hotels are open, the salons are open yet we are being prevented from educating our children properly. Every single country in the world has prioritized face to face learning. FIRST open schools then the rest of the economy. Our children are out in the streets because parents have to go to work and most of them don't even have a screen to blankly stare at. We should be able to choose whether we want to send our children to school. After two years of this the children's mental Well being is at a breaking point. Covid is over. If you are vaccinated it's just a flu. Enough is enough. This government will be overthrown by desperate parents if our children are not allowed back into schools!