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MarkTa says...

To be fair this has been going on a few months. This is the 3rd in 6 months if im not mistaken.

MarkTa says...

Looks like a upstanding young man with both a caring Mother and father that taught him right and wrong.

On Man faces court accused of Kemp Road killing

Posted 15 January 2014, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

MarkTa says...

They do walk into businesses. Ive had it done to our retail business and not only did they question employees (cashiers and sales reps) they also questioned customers that walked in who looked "suspicious"

MarkTa says...

Every time Christie speaks I feel like he is calling the Bahamian people idiots because he spews such non sense and thinks no one will notice.

On PM: Economy poised for growth

Posted 15 January 2014, 12:35 p.m. Suggest removal

MarkTa says...

Every day I see multiple buses driving in the middle lane, impeding traffic by not pulling over and overtaking at such high speeds, that it boggles me that the police haven't gotten stricter on them.

The rules of the road are non existent, the commissioner should give officers a % of the ticket amount issued or a quota so that officers will start ticketing drivers until they respect the road.

On Bus knocked into air by crash lands on beach

Posted 15 January 2014, 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal

MarkTa says...

Not that I disagree but are you going to vote to relect the PLP? We have no good choices to vote for,

On Minnis releases draft Bill on death sentences

Posted 12 January 2014, 8:59 a.m. Suggest removal

MarkTa says...

I doubt he can do much worst than the FNM and PLP have

On DNA leader calls for curfew to tackle crime

Posted 7 January 2014, 10:41 p.m. Suggest removal

MarkTa says...

So you are saying that if a criminal breaks into your home and endangers your life you should hand him that life as a law abiding citizen.

To each their own i suppose

On Lawyers are uneasy over judge restrictions

Posted 7 January 2014, 1:28 a.m. Suggest removal

MarkTa says...

I rather kill the criminal that puts my life in danger and take my chances in court than get killed by the criminal.

On Lawyers are uneasy over judge restrictions

Posted 6 January 2014, 7:49 p.m. Suggest removal

MarkTa says...

The terrifying part is if crime keeps growing and scares of tourism the unemployment will increase dramatically causing a crime wave way worst than it is now.

I really hope DNA gets elected, lets give a new party a chance instead of the dance between fnm and plp

On Police alarm at murder rate

Posted 6 January 2014, 7:44 p.m. Suggest removal