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MarquessofMangroveCay says...

The Bahamas should banned Amnesty International from the country. Amnesty International is only interested in criminals, they are not interested in the law abiding citizen. Why don't Amnesty International tell Cuba or Haitti to take care of its people. the bahamas does not have the resources to look after all these people. Why don't America want these people?

On MarquessofMangroveCay

Posted 24 August 2013, 6:34 a.m. Suggest removal

MarquessofMangroveCay says...

Waiting two months for a passport is nothing. I had to wait 9 months for a new passport and it's not digital. In years not long gone, The Bahamas was the most progressive country in the British Commonwealth but now it seems to be sleep walking at an alarming speed to self destruction. Crime is out of control, parental control of children don't exists, teenage pregnancy is out of control, religious leaders are asleep so there is no moral compass for the nation, political leaders and civil servants are corrupt from the inside of their bones, schools have losts all legitimacy - they have become headquarters for criminal youths: drugs, sex and everything else. The police, well, notice I did not mention them, it's a wast of time talking about them. The Bahamas is going to be the first fail state in the British Commonwealth.