Comment history

MartGM says...

Lest we forget they cut the budget on scholarships as soon as they got into office.

MartGM says...

Perhaps we need to also look at the amount of "bars" that now operate like "clubs." They're open just as late...

MartGM says...

That's right PM! Stick it to those Chinese!! Not like we need anything from them...we can do BAD all by ourselves!!!

Maybe next time, that misplaced anger can be directed at your sitting MP with responsibility for labour...just saying.

On PM's broadside remarks at Chinese celebration

Posted 12 February 2013, 12:31 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

These web shops may very well be outside the regulatory powers of the gaming board, but their actions i.e. gambling, are covered under the constitution of the Bahamas. According to the constitution, those actions are illegal. This issue has become nothing more than poppycock!! SMT.

On Web shops: Technology puts us outside law

Posted 7 February 2013, 12:53 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

Going to Charlies at 16???

On Family's plea over missing teenage girl

Posted 4 February 2013, 2:17 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

From my understanding, it was made illegal initially because (white) tourists didn't want to mix with (black) Bahamians. The casino operators of the time didn't want (the savage, ignorant, Black) Bahamians in their casinos so our "founding" fathers fell prey to their pressures to maintain its illegality.

It needs to be changed...

MartGM says...

I never said I agree with it. This issue is very black and white, but we want to add all these grey areas.

I agree that we need to eliminate that discriminatory clause, but I disagree with the way we have chosen to rebel against the law and do as we wish. That's just pure lawlessness and slackness.

On Injunction filed by numbers bosses

Posted 30 January 2013, 11:52 a.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

lol! I'm sure that will be changed in short order.

On Galanis: Web shops are legal

Posted 30 January 2013, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

Unlike the government, The number "bosses" had a Plan B in the event the vote was NO. He can spin the legalities of "gaming houses" anyway he chooses. The law is very clear and Mr. Munroe knows this.

Chapter 3, Article 26, Paragraph 4, clause (e), of the constitution states that any form of gambling whether via lottery, use of a gaming house, or in a casino is refused to Bahamian citizens and residents of the Bahamas.

This injunction only holds because these businesses are licensed "webshops" and they should be acting in that capacity. This is only to buy time...

These are a set of Brilliant Bahamians!

On Injunction filed by numbers bosses

Posted 30 January 2013, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

I don't understand everyone's gripe with Mr. Ingraham commenting on the referendum. In every other country in the world former heads of state comment on issues of the day. Why is Mr. Ingraham insulted and hated because he did the same?

On occasion Former President George Bush Sr. even comments on issues every so often and he was about 3 Presidents ago... So what exactly is the problem?

On Ingraham has the last laugh over referendum

Posted 29 January 2013, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal