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MartGM says...

...I wasn't aware that you can travel with a handgun... Can someone please help me out with this.

On Probe into airport thefts

Posted 2 October 2012, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

It's amazing that you say that. We can't trust the priests (there are about 10 Catholic Bahamian priests left in the Bahamas) and we can't trust the monks (there are NO monks left in the Bahamas). Now, what do you say about the bishops and deacons and ministers (or whatever they're calling themselves these days) of other denominations. What you think these people are taught this in think the Catholic church BREEDS these people? You think it's our (yes, I'm Catholic) goal to produce child molesters???

To whom much is given...much is expected. Being the largest Christian religion in the world, of course you'll ALWAYS hear about what happens in the Catholic Church. The molestation is totally wrong and I pray we're able to sift these people out before they become priests/monks/deacons. But let's be VERY clear. The Catholic church does not BREED these types of people. These are MEN and any man of any denomination or lack there of can exhibit these tendencies. It's rather ignorant to believe that this is only a "Catholic" a google search or read other newspapers...this happens everywhere. It's just up to us to make sure it doesn't happen in our communities. Talk to your children! At the first sign sound the alarm and don't wait until some "man of God" has touched 10 little children. Too many parents don't want to see it or ignore their children when they come to them. Nip it in the bud. Watch for signs of misuse of power. Trust your children.

And for goodness sakes, don't believe this is ONLY a Catholic issue!!!

On Monk faces sex claims

Posted 28 September 2012, 11 a.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

It's a little business called "sex slavery" or "sex tourism" or "human trafficking." It's all the rage in the rest of the Caribbean and it's been here for a very LONG time as well...just kept on the quiet. You'd be amazed at the amount of "prostitutes" or "strippers" or "escorts" or whatever name they're using these days who are NOT Bahamian. Some of the best hotels in this country are host to these very practices...don't drink the kool-aid "really." It's a business and those ladies are the bottom feeders...they aren't here by choice...

On Strippers fined and told to leave country

Posted 18 September 2012, 10:44 a.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

Perhaps whatever the reason, the actions of the extremists were quite severe. Even if these politicians are trying to "lotion" as you claim, it's an act of diplomacy to speak out against blatant and outright injustices. Now, don't get me wrong, ALOT of injustice goes on that we are too "afraid" to speak out on, but if someone had bombed a Bahamian embassy and killed an Ambassador, the US would have issued an apology.

Let's not take away from this particular issue to highlight other issues...

On Bahamas speaks out against attack in Libya

Posted 13 September 2012, 4:14 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

If this is indeed true, it's a sad sad day for the Bahamas.

MartGM says...

WOW!!! Of all the things this minister can bring to Parliament, he wants to bring up "questionable contracts" for projects already completed and obviously very needed?? Get over it and get on the the business of the people.

On Minister of education vows to back up claims

Posted 12 September 2012, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

Police belong on the Streets doing their job not in schools sitting around getting fat waiting for a student with a gun/knife/cutlass to come into school.

Why is violence a predominately government school problem? Why is no one asking that question???

MartGM says...

Interesting...when I read about where these guys were going, I thought the same thing in reference to the Hunger Games.

Considering the government gave 350 scholarships this year...all the gifts given to the athletes by the government are a real slap in the face to the 1300+ students who can't afford to attend college this year!

MartGM says...

I do hope these articles educating us on our untaught history continue. I appreciate them and I'm quite sure, I'm not alone who shares those sentiments.

On Did Dr Nottage create his alma mater?

Posted 22 August 2012, 9:30 a.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

A parking garage is needed downtown. One that's a few stories high. The government can charge something outrageous like $10 per hour along with charging for monthly, quarterly and annual parking passes for employers and employees who work in the downtown area.

That will eliminate parking on Bay completely because the traffic and the congestion is ridiculous!!!

On Taxi union wants limit on parking

Posted 21 August 2012, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal