Comment history

MartGM says...

Chip and Pin technology is already used in Canadian banks...

MartGM says...

All the Best Georgette! Make us proud!!

MartGM says...

Yes, Kudos to Central Andros High!

On Argricultural programme is thriving

Posted 24 January 2014, 3:33 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

smt! Very!!

MartGM says...

Can Fred ever give a straight answer smt.

On Road checks cause crowds at immigration

Posted 22 January 2014, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

Do they want an applause? smt!

MartGM says...

How many of those young black men that did absolutely nothing but be young and black also receive an apology from MPs for being accosted by the police? What other foreign nationals that have status but are normally the targets of abuse by police...have they received their apology as yet? We really need to do better in this Country!! Immigration should have handled this situation better, no doubt. Regardless of this man's race or position in this country, there was no reason to detain him (based on what I've read. Now if he were being unruly and antagonistic, then yes by all means arrest his backside!). This country has no backbone! For the first time in a while, I stand behind something Mr. Mitchell says, "the policy is to be respectful, but to enforce the law."

On Govt says sorry to UBS executive

Posted 16 January 2014, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

Proud "White Hat wearing" Gladiator in a suit :)

MartGM says...

The education program they've started is still rather ineffectual. I went to one of those sessions just to see what they're saying. I could have saved my 1.5 hours elsewhere! These representatives for the government are simply puppets doing and saying just what they're told without any thought process.

I couldn't believe the utter nonsense they were spewing. Case and government rep said "if we don't enact VAT the dollar will be devalued" WTH!! They also knew very little about the legislation, which businesses will be taxed, and what are the non-taxable items. They were even a bit shaky on how the tax itself works. They were also unsure about who will protect consumers once VAT is implemented. I sat there in complete awe as they
answered very few questions from the audience. They reiterated that once legislation is released they'll be able to answer questions smt.

Can this government do anything right?

On 'Bahamians don't understand VAT'

Posted 13 November 2013, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

It's gotten that serious that we need to take matters to the ILO? These concerns are understood, especially the fact that new teachers haven't been paid since August. That is ridiculous! But my goodness, we can't resolve this among ourselves?

I must say, I applaud that coach who decided to stay on with his kids. Our children have no outlet besides school and the after school activities they participate in. I can imagine the number of kids I'll see on the streets these days. Sighhh...this has been going on for far too long! I can't believe we don't know how to come to a compromise in the year 2013! smt

On After-school activities end in work-to-rule

Posted 13 November 2013, 1:33 p.m. Suggest removal