Comment history

Marthasmith says...

Time will tell if the government decision to establish separate entities for distribution and power generation is a good one, but the businesses in the area should expect power issues until the issue is solved. When your business depends on electricity you might want to check out <a href="…">…</a>, it would be the surest way to keep your business activity uninterrupted.

Marthasmith says...

These are great news for the manufacturing industry in the area, people are going to benefit from the creation of new jobs as well as from the lower electricity bills. Another ways to reduce your bills is to check out <a href=""></a> and make repairs instead of waiting until everything gets broken.

On GB Power to'start burning gas by 2014'

Posted 29 June 2015, 9:33 a.m. Suggest removal

Marthasmith says...

The proposal could transform public transportation, if the drivers will stop rushing on the streets in order to get more customers the accidents rate will get lower. The bus drivers could also take a look on <a href=""></a>, there are many ways to improve transportation safety and they should be the first to learn about them.

Marthasmith says...

It looks like business is booming for them, they should make everything in their power to keep up with the market demand so they won't go down anytime soon. The <a href="">workflow management systems</a> might help them deal with such large information loads, so checking them out can't hurt.

Marthasmith says...

Most of the times such investments are eagerly accepted by the people in their vicinity, it's surprising to hear that the island inhabitants don't want the new buildings on their island. Over-development can be an issue when there isn't enough land for more buildings, so perhaps it would be better to just keep improving the existing businesses. Business management can be a hassle sometimes, but with the right help on <a href=""></a> they can keep flourishing.

On Residents fearing Bimini 'overload'

Posted 19 June 2015, 9:27 a.m. Suggest removal

Marthasmith says...

Using stem sells in medical purpose already shows great promise, it would be a shame not to keep developing the technology. With a bit more research and data process help from <a href="…">…</a> , the scientists will be able to come up with more and more developed treatments for all kind of diseases.

Marthasmith says...

There are many things to consider before neutering your pet, so the best thing you could do is to talk with a veterinarian about all the pros and cons of such a procedure. Take a look on <a href="…">…</a> if you want to learn more, your pet's health should always come first.

On Effects of neutering on behaviour

Posted 20 May 2015, 10:04 a.m. Suggest removal

Marthasmith says...

This is just a delay, sooner or later the phone users will have their wish fulfilled and portability will be an option for them. Meanwhile they should do their best to figure out which is the best telecom provider in the area, taking a look on <a href=""></a> will give them an idea on what good services are.

Marthasmith says...

Did he give any indication on the reason why he had so many guns on board? Did he even have a permit for any of them? His actions are not something responsible gun owners would do, especially after the <a href="…">San Antonio CHL</a> firearm instruction where they've learned about the seriousness of gun ownership.

On Gun found on US man's boat

Posted 7 April 2015, 10:54 a.m. Suggest removal

Marthasmith says...

Illegal firearms traffic is indeed a huge problem, most people who purchase their guns in a legal manner never intend to use them on other people, while those owning illegal guns are very likely to use them to harm others. The first time when I heard about this issue was <a href="">when I was looking for gun cleaning systems</a>, but things won't change as long as they don't create better laws.