Comment history

MaryMack53 says...

That's all it takes SMH!

On Buy a $750,000 house and become a resident

Posted 5 April 2019, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal

MaryMack53 says...

Wow! Elaborate schemes, so its safe to say that they can return home?

On Bahamian dealers beat US extradition

Posted 3 April 2019, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal

MaryMack53 says...

Another Nincompoop! Listen to trash you coming up with. How can it seem that the cruise port has been given to 40% to the families that own APD? Is this the best you could come up with since last year. People act as though this deal just magically appeared. If your antennas were working then you would've kept up with this deal and not mention anything about APD and the families that have shares in that company. The Port is being managed not given away to anyone. People like me and you have the opportunity to acquire shares in this company, also APD has nothing to do with the deal. Not to mention if you have hefty savings or loose cash wouldn't you try to invest as many shares as possible? Or just allow others to get ahead of you. Stop making excuses and watching other's investments. We will all be given the same opportunity very soon. Better yet head over to the website get some more education on the company managing the port before you go making silly assumptions.

MaryMack53 says...

Boy Minus, you ain't not tired running your mouth and writing all these letters to the editor? You are one angry bird, Seagull to be exact. Give up already! Your team already lost! Why do you keep bringing up APD? They are not apart of this deal. Can we just worry once about the company that won? No need to change a darn thing because GPH work speaks tremendously about what they are capable of accomplishing. No other countries that they manage seem to have an issue with their management skills. Also, who cares to see the other artist rendering for comparison? Not I said the cat! Sounds to me like you need to go to the dentist for all this Kaka you running on with.

On Change arrival schedule

Posted 19 March 2019, 10:39 a.m. Suggest removal

MaryMack53 says...

This was the coldest most senseless act of violence that I had ever seen.

MaryMack53 says...

He needs to go sit down somewhere.

MaryMack53 says...

Every other week their talk is different.

MaryMack53 says...

Why would someone go through all this trouble? Please stop reaching!

On VIDEO: Inside the new world of Port Nassau

Posted 27 February 2019, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

MaryMack53 says...

This is the dumbest comment ever. They plan to put in a Junkanoo museum. No use in making beautiful costumes to be thrown away. We will finally be able to showcase our work all year round. The vendors who are currently there will stay. Bahamian entertainers will perform at the venue. They are even talking about hosting regular Junkanoo performances at the port. Stop bashing for bashing sake. Better yet read instead of looking at pictures like a child!

On VIDEO: Inside the new world of Port Nassau

Posted 27 February 2019, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

MaryMack53 says...

This is the best news we've heard all year. Great investment, good track record, and proven success. Our government is truly locking a deal for our future generation. This is what I call Sustainability.

On Cruise lines miss out on port project

Posted 25 February 2019, 11:06 a.m. Suggest removal