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Max says...

This situation with the Spicers is touching my wife and I personally.This coming March 9th will bbe our first year since Scotia Bank kicked us out of our home;after fighting for six years from August 2008 to December 2014 over what we though was a bad loan.We borrowed money in sstages to build our own home, until one day a manager decided that we were taking too long aand sent in his Contractor friend to complete our home.The contractor came and used all of oour material on site including 84 bundles of our shingles / all our material for Septic Tank / Electrical and plumbing. After 311/2 day the contractor left complaining that he was out of money. We had to pay $1530.14 Mortgage and still work on our home until july 10th 2010 before we could barely move in. no one cared we wrote to two Bank Presidents and two Prime Ministers but no one cares. We know your pain; and pray that you win. Maybe through your case some one will see and care about the pain of the hundreds of us that these banks are abusing while our governments sleep. MAX.