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MaxB2004 says...

Exactly; and it's just amazing how the government and police say they are gaining on the issue. They're not. The police here are a near totally inefficient force. They don't enforce anything. Either they don't know what to do; or they are totally overwhelmed and understaffed. The police in The Bahamas NEVER stop and cite drivers for running stop signs; NEVER stop and cite people for running red lights; NEVER stop and cite drivers for driving through crosswalks when pedestrians are waiting; NEVER stop and cite drivers with broken or no tail-lights or headlights; NEVER stop and cite drivers who wantonly litter; NEVER ticket cars parked in absurd places not meant for parking or in front of fire hydrants; are NEVER out in any way monitoring the motoring public and enforcing speed limits (you think those occassional speed traps are sufficient? What a joke). They are a tired hangover from Colonial days and need to be totally revamped. Have you seen the police in Miami/Dade or Broward/Ft. Lauderdale; or any other major U.S. city? Those are proper police forces; and we need that here. We have a crime problem 10 times as bad; and we need a police force to deal with it. Why not turn the Defense Force into a State Police force; and have them actually do something on the ground in this country? What a joke to think that there is any notion that they could actually defend the nation against some kind of attack or invasion! Wake up, Bahamas!