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Maximilianotto says...

Too much money at stake for few interested persons to enrich themselves further. They simply will sit it out until media discover the next „big thing“ and the international community moves on.RCL has too much money to extinguish all fires and grease wherever necessary. What are couple millions $$$ compared to one billion profit made over time. Looking forward to Court of appeal and Privy Council rulings if happening.

Maximilianotto says...

FTX dried out, Albany dried out, RCI is the new source of cash for some cronies.Brookfield fortunately can afford to say what all those Bahamians think who don’t personally benefit. Time for next edition of Panama Papers

Maximilianotto says...

FTX dried out, Albany dried out, RCI is the new source. Brookfield fortunately can afford to say what all those Bahamians think who don’t personally benefit. Time for next edition of Panama Papers.

Maximilianotto says...

And who’s the big winner? Neither government nor Bahamians? Now after FTX has dried out? The country is broke but there are always winners.Welcome on the route to Haiti.

Maximilianotto says...

Why did FTX choose The Bahamas? LOL
And did the high level travelers find some Colombian ladies in Paris? Lol

Maximilianotto says...

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Maximilianotto says...

There are several US class action litigation lawyers having fun suing the SCB = Government of The Bahamas for couple Billions for gross negligence which is a headless chicken against professional law firms. Another black eye for the government and the rating agencies further downgrading from B+ to CCC, 8 m tourists won’t compensate.

Maximilianotto says...

Class action lawsuit against the SCB means another couple of $ Billions in sovereign risk adding to the $12 or $13 bn or whatever real sovereign debt risk. Meanwhile BPL is bankrupt, W&S is bankrupt, NIB has no assets ,Bahamasair is bankrupt, budget deficit $1,0 bn., where’s the can kicked down the road hitting the wall? $10 bn property transactions in Bahamian and US courts?

Maximilianotto says...

Isn’t this the guy who wrote „we are uncorrupt and unpolitical“? So he doesn’t understand how this place works? Just asking.

On ‘Albany owns it now, OK?’

Posted 6 February 2023, 5:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Maximilianotto says...

And what’s going to happen if the company owning the vessel doesn’t own anything else, the vessel is mortgaged, insurance will pay mortgage and the shipowners will let the vessel remain on the seabed? „Nothing of nothing is nothing“ statement of well known lawyer .