Comment history

Maximilianotto says...

Reminds of European history of 1933,1938,1945 - first everyone supported them thereafter nobody was with them.

On Deltec chair to SBF: ‘Why in the world?’

Posted 12 October 2023, 1:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Maximilianotto says...

Blahblahblah. It has been approved so the Appeals Board has only two options
- deny and let ft Town Plannings approval which may result in $150,000,000 damages lawsuits by the developer against the government…, doesn’t matter if a billion more or less who cares as all undeclared money many ministers have as cash is stashed in the Channel Islands exceeding wealth of all European ministries combined
- approve and be hated by the neighbors which legally is irrelevant
We’ll have fun for years to come. Waiting for next crypto scandal to distract us.

On No ‘Passion’ over Love Beach condo

Posted 12 October 2023, 1:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Maximilianotto says...

Considering the lack of knowledge and frequent incompetence of realtors a commission of 1-2% similar to other countries would be more than enough.10% for land is ridiculous. So cut these outrageous fees first Mr.Carey before giving good advice!

Maximilianotto says...

Maybe some Saudi mosques? No Kalik…

Maximilianotto says...

Default approaching. So they’ll print couple hundred millions of B$ and announcements will follow afterwards. Will be interesting to see how much stretch still possible. International lenders watch and won’t lend a penny. Saudis with strings attached - building some mosques? Our Lucaya has much free land‼️Or Exuma becoming Saudi province?

On Govt in a cash crunch over payments - Pintard

Posted 28 September 2023, 10:20 a.m. Suggest removal

Maximilianotto says...

Just print couple hundred millions of B$ and problems solved.

Maximilianotto says...


On 'Relentless brain drain' hurts local healthcare

Posted 28 September 2023, 9:58 a.m. Suggest removal

Maximilianotto says...

Anyone surprised? Toronto,London, New York,Florida more attractive. The best ones will find good jobs the remaining waiting for free T-shorts, chicken and Kalik.

On 'Relentless brain drain' hurts local healthcare

Posted 28 September 2023, 9:57 a.m. Suggest removal

Maximilianotto says...

Give them a T-shirt, chicken , Kalik. Who’s interested in learning as we have the wonderful beaches.

Maximilianotto says...

GB is a mess Our Lucaya a ruin Ginn West End in litigation so no reason to travel there. Announcements are not enough for service oriented cruise lines. But Qatar will help ⁉️🤣🤣🤣