Comment history

Maximilianotto says...


On Lucayan’s $1m staff debt safe

Posted 20 October 2022, 6:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Maximilianotto says...

Greetings to Halkitis and Minister of Finance…

You can’t stop it.

Maximilianotto says...

Once IMF is in this buyback won’t work as bondholders will sit back and wait. They already f….d themselves the train has left the station. See what Singer did with Argentina. And unlike The Bahamas they had well educated people in government.

Maximilianotto says...

Already s……g in their pants. Let the market speak not incompetent politicians. It’s the economy,stupid! Goldman Sachs repo next to blow up.

Maximilianotto says...

Poor financial sector - have to buy Government Debt and now have to write down - Bahamas 2020:2032 bond trading at 59% so 41% writedown for now - that’s the meltdown.More to come. The market is always right not dumb politicians.

Maximilianotto says...

Freeport to Raleigh Durham? Hopefully Our Lucaya will have few rooms available prior to deal closing by November…which November? 2032? What a nonsense. Tragedy. Must be Grade F strategy,

On Bahamas promoted to Carolina investors

Posted 18 October 2022, 2:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Maximilianotto says...

What else to expect from incompetence of government running any SOE? Where’s the difference going to? Someone’s pockets for further distribution? Bahamians suffer. Really docile people.

Maximilianotto says...

Simple solution - take price controlled items off the shelves and just wait.

Maximilianotto says...

Yes excellent idea so the numbers houses can quickly launder money and rip off Bahamians. Will need some more diplomatic passports so ambassadors at large can travel through the US.