Comment history

Maximilianotto says...

Rothschild isn’t a player in capital markets at all. They are leading advisers and the real capital markets players will fund. So all of them making billions of governments New Day. It’s a great New Day for the advisers and bankers. Cash ahead. Bahamians voted them in. Taking $12 bn debt and then complain and blame the lenders won’t impress anyone.

Maximilianotto says...

Rothschild will decide - or walk away when seeing what a mess this is - Government can talk but the investors money decides - and the money trusts Rothschild not the government - took 49 years to get there, last 10 months accelerated - everything comes at a price. Call it refinancing restructuring it’s always the same „default“. Goldman Sachs will make billions. Any better idea?

Maximilianotto says...

Much easier - bond holders instructed government to appoint Rothschild which is globally leading government debt restructuring advisory. So it’s either default as no “tepid investors” - yesterday’s joke of Neil Hartnell- are on the horizon. It’s Rothschild or IMF or default. Rothschild is incorruptible as these young investment bankers will blow away double aged Bahamian government officials who aren’t even able to do the simplest business plan. And Rothschild guys will speak clear text - known for arrogance - will slash all SOEs increase NIB contributions and pension age cut civil service.Tough times ahead . New Day government now in Paris. When the money gone we all go home. Paris has taken over. With this article Rating is CCCC you name it.Will take some time until Bahamians swallow the bitter pills. So 10 months of traveling talking. So hopefully good French restaurants here soon!

Maximilianotto says...

The same Neil Hartnell wrote yesterday…

But true tge investors aren’t tepid - they’re gone!

Goldman will be happy to liquidate US Treasuries given as collateral for hundreds millions loans! What a competence!

Unbelievable how knowledgeable journalist!

Maximilianotto says...

The fish is stinking from the heads and now comes the price for 49 years of socialist mismanagement. Harsh times ahead. And Rothschild retainer what?$25 m but only the down payment? There’s no one in government who even understands their language (merde alors) What will they recommend? To turn to the IMF? Will be hard to bribe these number crunchers with yachts booze girls and filming all?! The Frankie W way? $5 bn FDI including Our Lucaya? Time to go. Or Chinese in Macao? Long ago but Films somewhere.

Maximilianotto says...

Game over!

Maximilianotto says...

The taxpayers will pay who else!

Maximilianotto says...

When are the 60-days due diligence over???

Maximilianotto says...

It’s unbelievable how much BS is being told.
So zero of zero remaining zero.
Bahamian ownership of seagrass - don’t forget Aragonite - haven’t heard for long - Crypto for Bahamians - all absolutely unbelievable unrealistic. How docile are Bahamians to listen to this. Look at Sri Lanka they resolved it. Here spending $14 m on entertainment trips instead paying nurses, teachers, police you name it.

Maximilianotto says...

Fire useless cronies cut over staffed SOEs and pay those who are really needed - teachers, nurses, airports staff…$14 m big entourage entertainment trips cut to zero would be immediately available.